Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of u/smurugan/pn2013

08/26/13 12:45:37 (11 years ago)


  • u/smurugan/pn2013

    v29 v30  
    1414For each ambient, we introduce three different types of flows:
    16 * '''Clump:''' A spherical cloud of gas with radius 500 AU travels at 200 km/s with initial density 40,000 particles/cm^3^.
    17 * '''Jet: '''  A jet with radius 500 AU and density 40,000 particles/cm^3^ injects gas into the grid from below with initial velocity 200 km/s along the y axis.
     16* '''Clump:''' A spherical cloud of gas with radius 500 AU travels at 100 km/s with initial density 40,000 particles/cm^3^.
     17* '''Jet: '''  A jet with radius 500 AU and density 40,000 particles/cm^3^ injects gas into the grid from below with initial velocity 100 km/s along the y axis.
    1818* '''Diverging Wind: ''' This is the same setup as the jet, but instead of injecting gas directly along the y axis, it will sweep an arc of 10^o^.
    2626||        ||= '''Constant Ambient''' =||= '''Stratified Ambient''' =||= '''Toroidal Ambient''' =||
    27 ||= '''Clump''' =||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''  ||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''  ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Running with new parameters.''  ||
    28 ||= '''Jet''' =||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''  ||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''  ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Running with new parameters.''  ||
    29 ||= '''Diverging  Winds''' =||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''  ||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''  ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Running with new parameters.''  ||
     27||= '''Clump''' =||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run (resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run (resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run (resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||
     28||= '''Jet''' =||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run (resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run (resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run, a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||
     29||= '''Diverging  Winds''' =||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run (resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||  [ movie] [[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run(resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run (resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''  ||
    3131== MHD Runs ==
    3535||= '''Clump''' =||   [[BR]] ''Status: Implementation in Progress.''  ||  ''Status: Implementation in progress.''  ||   [[BR]] ''Status: Implementation in Progress.''  ||
    3636||= '''Jet''' =|| [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Crashes partway.'' ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Crashes partway.''  ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Crashes partway.''  ||
    37 ||= '''Diverging  Winds''' =||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''   ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''   ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''  ||
     37||= '''Diverging  Winds''' =||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: This is an old run (resolution: ~25 zones/jet radius, wind at 200 km/s), a new run with resolution 50 zones/jet radius is currently being processed.''   ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''   ||  [ movie][[Image(, 400px)]] [[BR]] ''Status: Completed.''  ||