
Version 4 (modified by madams, 10 years ago) ( diff )

Hydro/MHD Path Date Row Editted Frames Completed/Left Filling Fracs Walltime Taken/Left, (0 days == Ready for Restart) (1-2) Info, (3) Message allocations Framerate (hrs/frame), No. cores Notes
Hydro /scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/hydro 05-11-2015 23/200 0.038 0.622 3.5 days/0 days 34.6 gb, 164.9 mb, 56.9 mb .5hrs/frame, 512 cores Chombos started May 7th at ~15:46.
/scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/hydro/Restart 05-11-2015 23/200 TBA TBA TBA TBA Using previous run, going to do a study on number of cpus needed for sus left.
MHD /scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/mhd 05-11-2015 18/200 0.091 0.865 20.4 days/0 days 225.3 gb, 585.0 mb, 240.9 mb 2hrs/frame, 512 cores Chombos started May 8th at ~9:45.
/scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/mhd/Restart 05-11-2015 18/200 TBA TBA TBA TBA Using previous run, going to do a study on number of cpus needed for sus left.
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