Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of u/madams/WTSRunStatistics_Stampede

05/11/15 11:52:24 (10 years ago)


  • u/madams/WTSRunStatistics_Stampede

    v4 v5  
     3= Theoretical cpu*hrs =
     5We have 295,867 sus available for our account. Jobs submitted to normal queue. First batch on 512 cpus for 15 hours. Took a sampling of the four times by using {{{ls -ltr}}} (beginning, the middle, two at the end) between the selected chombos.
     7$\overline{t}_{hydro} \approx 21.5 \text{min}$
     9$\overline{t}_{mhd} \approx 36.5 \text{min}$
     11We have 1,440 minutes in a day. So we can calculate out the average rate:
     13$\overline{r}_{hydro} = \frac{1,440 \text{min}}{\overline{t}_{hydro}} \approx 67 \frac{\text{frame}}{\text{day}}$
     15$\overline{r}_{mhd} = \frac{1,440 \text{min}}{\overline{t}_{mhd}} \approx 40 \frac{\text{frame}}{\text{day}}$
     17For both of these runs we want to have 200 frames. Taking the difference from what we can see from the first rows of our jobs listed below, that means we have 177 frames left for the hydro case, and 182 for the mhd case. Using our average rates from above, that means it will take approximately 3 days to finish the hydro run, and 5 days to finish the mhd run (based on these values). There are 72 hours in 3 days and 120 hours in 5 days. One can see I'll be under the SU limit for the following cpu*hrs.
     19== 512 cores ==
     21For the hydro case: $72 \text{hrs} * 512 \text{cores} = 36,864 \text{cpu hrs}$
     23For the hydro case: $120 \text{hrs} * 512 \text{cores} = 61,440 \text{cpu hrs}$
     25Total: $99,840 \text{cpu hrs}$
     27== 1,024 cores ==
     29* Note rates would change based on these many cores (increase)... so this is kind of shotty to say, as it uses times pulled from jobs run on 512 cores.
     30* Next restart, I think I will run them on 1024 cores for 5 hours and get a more exact estimate. It may be cheaper to consider this?
     32For the hydro case: $72 \text{hrs} * 512 \text{cores} = 73,728 \text{cpu hrs}$
     34For the hydro case: $120 \text{hrs} * 512 \text{cores} = 122,880 \text{cpu hrs}$
     36Total: $195,608 \text{cpu hrs}$
     38= Stampede Run Statistics =
    440|| '''Hydro/MHD''' || '''Path''' || '''Date Row Editted''' || '''Frames Completed/Left''' || '''Filling Fracs''' || '''Walltime Taken/Left, (0 days == Ready for Restart)''' || '''(1-2) Info, (3) Message allocations''' || '''Framerate (hrs/frame), No. cores''' || '''Notes''' ||
    5 || '''Hydro''' || /scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/hydro || 05-11-2015 || 23/200 || 0.038  0.622 || 3.5 days/0 days || 34.6 gb, 164.9 mb, 56.9 mb || .5hrs/frame, 512 cores || Chombos started May 7th at ~15:46. ||
     41|| '''Hydro''' || /scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/hydro || 05-11-2015 || 23/200 || 0.038  0.622 || 3.5 days/0 days || 34.6 gb, 164.9 mb, 56.9 mb || ~0.5hrs/frame, 512 cores || Chombos started May 7th at ~15:46. ||
    642||  || /scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/hydro/Restart || 05-11-2015 || 23/200 || TBA || TBA || TBA || TBA|| Using previous run, going to do a study on number of cpus needed for sus left. ||
    7 || '''MHD''' || /scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/mhd || 05-11-2015 || 18/200 || 0.091  0.865 || 20.4 days/0 days || 225.3 gb, 585.0 mb, 240.9 mb || 2hrs/frame, 512 cores || Chombos started May 8th at ~9:45. ||
     43|| '''MHD''' || /scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/mhd || 05-11-2015 || 18/200 || 0.091  0.865 || 20.4 days/0 days || 225.3 gb, 585.0 mb, 240.9 mb || ~0.75hrs/frame, 512 cores || Chombos started May 8th at ~9:45. ||
    844||  || /scratch/03517/tg828161/ProductionRuns_WireTurbulence/mhd/Restart || 05-11-2015 || 18/200 || TBA || TBA || TBA || TBA|| Using previous run, going to do a study on number of cpus needed for sus left. ||