
Version 43 (modified by madams, 10 years ago) ( diff )

List of Potential Paper Figures

Last updated: 12-22-2014

  • Column Density Maps
  • B vs. n (2D, 3D), with mass weighted density versus pressure, and volume weighted density versus velocity.
  • Beta, and inverse beta maps with mass contours
  • Beta maps
  • Inverse beta maps
  • Close up on collision region for sink formation (B10S0)
  • CDMs with projected streamlines
  • 3D streamline maps (zoom in on known filament regions?)

Notes on Colliding Flows

Download from 12-18-2014 (.pdf): Meeting Notes

Previous Suites of Figures

First Set of Figures: Exp. 01-07-2015

Beta 10 Shear 0:

Column Density Map CDM with Projected Streamlines and Magnetic Field Vectors

B vs. n

Bvn, B10S0

Beta Map Inverse Beta Map

Old Beta Maps:

Beta map with mass contours

Beta inverse map with mass contours

Beta 10 Shear 15:

Column Density Map CDM with Projected Streamlines and Magnetic Field Vectors

B vs. n

Beta Map Inverse Beta Map

Beta 10 Shear 30:

Column Density Map CDM with Projected Streamlines and Magnetic Field Vectors

B vs. n

Bvn, B10S30

Beta Map Inverse Beta Map

Old Beta Maps:

Beta map with mass contours

Beta inverse map with mass contours

Beta 10 Shear 60:

Column Density Map CDM with Projected Streamlines and Magnetic Field Vectors

B vs. n

Bvn, B10S60

Beta Map Inverse Beta Map

Old Beta Maps:

Beta map with mass contours

Beta inverse map with mass contours

Spectra Plots:

0 Myr

The Shear 60 case produced NANs for 0 Myr. May have to revisit code?

10.1 Myr

20.1 Myr

27.2 Myr

32.8 Myr, Shear 60

Current Suite of Figures

Shear 0

Sink Notes:

  • The number of the sinks that form by the end of this simulation is 4.
  • Here are their positions with times when they first form:
x-coordinate y-coordinate z-coordinate Frame first formed Time (Myr)
0.3580301426376783E+02 0.5583260065869881E+02 0.4744728345853505E+02 111 10.989
0.3591948633316569E+02 0.5599960059841729E+02 0.4755724200098079E+02 120 11.88
0.3592038143464333E+02 0.5602448247390073E+02 0.4759416563811598E+02 138 13.662
0.4466503282380260E+02 0.3812302562076298E+02 0.2979888217591489E+02 236 23.364
  • Thus we can see that apparently three of the four sinks are piled right ontop of each other. Might want to do an enhancement figure.

Column Density Map with Sinks

Inverse Beta Map

Shear 15

Sink Notes:

  • The number of the sinks that form by the end of this simulate is 4.
  • Here are their positions as seen down the barrel of the flow (see mass1 CDM plots) at final frame:
x-coordinate y-coordinate z-coordinate Frame first formed Time (Myr)
0.1305682043010144E+02 0.3580800770207890E+02 0.4129367537908288E+02 181 17.919
0.2937052647084789E+02 0.2858707153097011E+02 0.4979800440789958E+02 203 20.097
0.1091652250727393E+02 0.3376306960635957E+02 0.3950925227711014E+02 240 23.736
0.1207128507734911E+02 0.3388115980751113E+02 0.5017452402782457E+02 264 26.11
0.8440382620675154E+01 0.3511264544524086E+02 0.3952903168886192E+02 268 26.51

Shear 30

Sink Notes:

  • The number of the sinks that form by the end of this simulate is 1.
  • Here is its position as seen down the barrel of the flow (see mass1 CDM plots) at final frame:
x-coordinate y-coordinate z-coordinate Frame first formed Time (Myr)
0.1032301279173488E+03 0.4004537800939340E+02 0.3379219676015539E+02 138 13.662

Shear 60

Sink Notes:

  • The number of the sinks that form by the end of this simulate is 1.
  • Here is its position as seen down the barrel of the flow (see mass1 CDM plots) at final frame:
x-coordinate y-coordinate z-coordinate Frame first formed Time (Myr)
0.1041261309696830E+03 0.4905580044221398E+02 0.3609678184879078E+02 320 31.68

E vs. t Plots

You can find a discussion of the E vs. t plots on this page.

Shear 0 Shear 15 Shear 30 Shear 60
Gravitational Energy
Other Energies

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