Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions

10/10/14 14:08:14 (10 years ago)


  • u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions

    v16 v17  
    6363= Projecting Sinks =
    65 Given that our data deals with colliding flows and how their interaction can induce star formation, it is pertinent to discuss the formation of sink particles. To learn more about sink particles, see Fedderath et al. in [ Erica's Library]. Here we present two ways of projecting and aligning the sink particles onto a 3D CDM bov.
     65Given that our data deals with colliding flows and how their interaction can induce star formation, it is pertinent to discuss the formation of sink particles. To learn more about sink particles, see Fedderath et al. in [ Erica's Library]. Here we present two ways of projecting and aligning the sink particles onto a 3D CDM bov. Keep in mind if you want to simply visualize sinks on a 2D surface (just one .bov) you can just transform it ontop (page on this in development). All the sinks you will see are noted as black 'axes' so you can see them.
    6768== Using Chombos ==
    69 This method simply requires the importation of the chombo files from your out directory into VisIt, where you will add them three times for each face of the box you have created. In order to do this, we will use the 'project' and 'elevate' operators in VisIt. Before beginning, import the chombo*.hdf files from your out directory into VisIt. After revisit the database correlations and either edit or make a new one so that the .bovs and the .hdf files will be in sync on your active time slider. In the visuals below, you will see that I have hid the legend, and have included the files for the next section on how to do the same thing with curve files. All the sinks you will see are noted as black 'axes' so you can see them
     70This method simply requires the importation of the chombo files from your out directory into VisIt, where you will add them three times for each face of the box you have created. In order to do this, we will use the 'project' and 'elevate' operators in VisIt. Before beginning, import the chombo*.hdf files from your out directory into VisIt. After revisit the database correlations and either edit or make a new one so that the .bovs and the .hdf files will be in sync on your active time slider. In the visuals below, you will see that I have hid the legends for the sinks -- they are simply using a black colorbar.
     721. After importing chombo*.hdf files, Add + > Pseudocolor > P_mass. Do this three times, each one will be on a frame. If you feel like hiding two while working on on at a time, feel free to do so.
     732. For each of the P_mass variables, apply the Transform, Elevate and Project operators like so. For now, let us focus on the sinks you are going to project onto mass1 (down the barrel, parallel to the flow).