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Movies Made Using Common Envelope Simulation Output
The relevant references for these movies are:
Paper I: Chamandy+2018 "Accretion in Common Envelope Evolution"
Paper II: Chamandy+2019a "Energy Budget and Core-Envelope Motion in Common Envelope Evolution"
Paper III: Chamandy+2019b "How Drag Force Evolves in Global Common Envelope Simulations"
Units on colorbars are CGS (except for in some cases where dimensionless units are used).
Density (zoomed in) in lab frame
Face-on density (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on density (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on density (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Movies corresponding to figures in Paper III (for Model A and Models B and C of Paper III). Companion (particle 2) at center of frame, red giant core (particle 1) located on -y axis.
Figure 6 first row—-face-on force density on particle 2 in rest frame of particle 1 in dyn/cm3 (contours equal to values on colorbar, blue arrow shows velocity of particle 2 in rest frame of particle 1, black arrow shows net force on particle 2 in rest frame of particle 1):
Face-on force density (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on force density (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on force density (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Figure 6 second row—-face-on density normalized to value at radius r=a(t) of initial envelope profile. Vectors show velocity field projected in orbital plane in co-orbiting and co-rotating rest frame of particle 2:
Face-on normalized density (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on normalized density (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on normalized density (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Figure 6 third row—-face-on Mach number in co-orbiting and co-rotating reference frame of particle 2:
Face-on Mach number (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on Mach number (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on Mach number (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Figure 6 fourth row—-face-on tangential velocity (with respect to particle 1) normalized to value calculated assuming a circular orbit at radius r=a(t) and density profile of initial envelope (assumed non-rotating). Vectors show velocity field projected in orbital plane in co-orbiting and co-rotating rest frame of particle 2:
Face-on normalized tangential velocity (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on normalized tangential velocity (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on normalized tangential velocity (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Figure 6 fifth row—-face-on sound speed (with respect to particle 1) normalized to value at radius r=a(t) of initial envelope profile. Vectors show velocity field projected in orbital plane in co-orbiting and co-rotating rest frame of particle 2:
Face-on normalized sound speed (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on normalized sound speed (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on normalized sound speed (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Movies corresponding to figures in Paper II (for Model A and Models B and C of Paper III)
Movies are in the lab (~system CM) reference frame with the CM of the particles located at the center of the frame.
Figure 3 top row—-face-on normalized gas binding energy (red means unbound, blue means bound, yellow is density contours, vectors show velocity):
Face-on normalized energy (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on normalized energy (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on normalized energy (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Figure 3 second from top row—-face-on normalized gas kinetic energy (magenta means thermal energy dominates, green means bulk KE dominates, yellow is density contours, vectors show velocity):
Face-on normalized kinetic energy (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on normalized kinetic energy (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on normalized kinetic energy (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Movies corresponding to figures in Paper I (for Model A and Models B and C of Paper III and Model B of Paper I)
Movies are in the reference frame corotating about the secondary with the instantaneous orbital angular speed of the particles, and with the secondary at the center.
Figure 1/Figure 2—-face-on density in units of g cm-3:
Face-on density (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on density (Model IB: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Face-on density (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Face-on density (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Figure 4 top panel—-edge-on density in units of g cm-3:
Edge-on density (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Edge-on density (Model IB: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Edge-on density (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Edge-on density (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Figure 4 bottom panel—-edge-on density, zoomed in, in units of g cm-3:
Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Model IB: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Figure 6—-flow around companion, tangential velocity in rest frame of companion, corotating with particle orbit, normalized to Keplerian value (vectors show velocity):
Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Model IB: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Extra Movies
Temperature (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Temperature (Model IB: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Temperature (Model IIIB: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.5 Msun)
Temperature (Model IIIC: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 0.25 Msun)
Sound speed (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Sound speed (Model IB: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Mach, lab frame (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Mach, lab frame (Model IB: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Mach, frame corotating about secondary (Model A: No subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Mach, frame corotating about secondary (Model IB: Subgrid accretion, M2 = 1 Msun)
Side-by-side comparison of Model A (left) and Model IB (right) from Paper I
Face-on density in cgs
Edge-on density in cgs
Edge-on density in cgs, zoomed
Tangential velocity, as above
Temperature, in K
Sound speed, in km/s
Mach number in lab frame
Mach number in frame corotating about secondary