Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of u/keirajb/PN_Library

09/09/13 19:42:52 (11 years ago)


  • u/keirajb/PN_Library

    v29 v30  
    22 ||='''Update 9/06:''' In order to keep the images and movies consistent with those on [ Ruka's PN Page] I am converting all runs into cgs. This will take a little time. =||
    23 ''A list of all changes made to this page can be found [ here].''
     22|| '''Update 9/09:''' The layout was changed today in order to make the page more readable. All of the density movies and images were updated to show the density in particles/cc. Thermal pressure images and movies are currently being updated. ||
     23''Go [ here] to find a list of changes that were made today.''
    2525== Toroidal + Stratified Ambient
    2727=== Jet ===
    28 ==== Jet Parameters
    29 The following is what we consider the standard run for a jet in a torodial + stratified ambient.
    30 ||= Date =||= Jet Radius [AU] =||= Jet Density [particles/cm^3^] =||= Jet Velocity [km/s] =||= Jet Temperature [K] =||= Ambient Density [particles/cm^3^] =||= Ambient Temperature [K] =||= [[latex($\alpha_{t}$)]] =||= [[latex($\beta_{t}$)]] =||= Density =||= Thermal Pressure =||= Ram Pressure =||
    31 ||  __8.27.2013__  ||  500  ||  40,000  ||  100  ||  10  ||   400  ||  1  ||  .7  ||  .8  ||  Updated 9/06 [[Image(, 400px)]][ movie]   ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] 8/28: A correction has been to this model. The original movie can still be seen following the "old movie" link. The image corresponds to the new movie.[ movie] [ old movie]   ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] This doesn't tell us anything new. [ movie]  || 
    33 The following table shows different runs where changes made to the jet parameters are given in '''bold'''.
    34 ||= Date =||= Jet Radius [AU] =||= Jet Density [particles/cm^3^] =||= Jet Velocity [km/s] =||= Jet Temperature [K] =||= Density =||= Thermal Pressure =||
    35 ||  __8.30.2013__  ||  500  ||  40,000  ||  '''200'''   ||   10  ||  Updated 9/06 [[Image(, 400px)]] This one has a shorter time period due to the run reaching it's time limit. [ movie]  ||   [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||
    36 ||  __9.02.2013__  ||  500  ||  40,000  ||  '''300'''   ||   10  ||  Updated 9/06 [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||
    37 ||  __9.04.2013__  ||  500  ||  40,000  ||  100   ||   '''10,000'''  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||
    39 ==== Ambient Parameters
    40 ||= Date =||= Ambient Density [particles/cm^3^] =||= Ambient Temperature [K] =||= [[latex($\alpha_{t}$)]] =||= [[latex($\beta_{t}$)]] =||= Density =||= Thermal Pressure =||
    41 ||  __9.05.2013__  ||  400  ||  1  ||  '''.3'''  ||  .8  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]]  [ movie]  || [[Image(, 400px)]]  ||
    42 ||  __9.09.2013__  ||  400  ||  1  ||  '''.5'''  ||  .8  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||
    43 ||  __9.09.2013__  ||  400  ||  1  ||  '''.9'''  ||  .8  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||
     28||= =||= Standard Run =||||||= Changes to Jet Parameters =||||||= Changes to Ambient Parameters =||
     29||= Date =||  8/27/2013  ||    8/30/2013  ||   9/02/2013  ||  9/04/2013  ||  9/05/2013  ||  9/09/2013  ||  9/09/2013  ||
     30||= Jet Radius [AU] =||  ''500''  ||   500  ||  500  ||  500  ||  500  ||  500  ||  500  ||
     31||= Jet Density [particles/cm^3^] =||  ''40,000''  ||  40,000  ||  40,000  ||  40,000  ||  40,000  ||  40,000  ||  40,000  ||
     32||= Jet Velocity [km/s] =||  ''100''  ||  '''200'''   ||  '''300'''   ||  100  ||  100  ||  100  ||  100  ||
     33||= Jet Temperature [K] =||  ''10''  ||  10  ||   10  ||   '''10,000'''  ||  10  ||  10  ||  10  ||
     34||= Ambient Density [particles/cm^3^] =||   ''400''  ||  400  ||  400  ||  400  ||  400  ||  400  ||  400  ||
     35||= Ambient Temperature [K] =||  ''1''  ||  1  ||  1  ||  1  ||  1  ||  1  ||  1  ||
     36||= [[latex($\alpha_{t}$)]] =||  ''.7''  ||  .7  ||  .7  ||  .7  ||  '''.3'''  ||  '''.5'''  ||  '''.9'''  ||
     37||= [[latex($\beta_{t}$)]] =||  ''.8''  ||  .8  ||  .8  ||  .8  ||  .8  ||  .8  ||  .8  ||
     38||= Density =||  [[Image(, 400px)]][ movie]   ||   [[Image(, 400px)]] This one has a shorter time period due to the run reaching it's time limit. [ movie]  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||    [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||   [[Image(, 400px)]]  [ movie]  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]]  ||
     39||= Thermal Pressure =||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||   [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||  [[Image(, 400px)]]  || || ||
     40||= Ram Pressure =||  [[Image(, 400px)]] [ movie]  ||   ||  ||  || || || ||