
Version 16 (modified by Jonathan, 13 years ago) ( diff )

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So setting up the initial solution can be accomplished by the following:

First start with the assumption that the retarted time is the current time


Calculate the displacement vector from the primary at the retarded time

Calculate the wind normal so that

It is possible to solve for the unit vector

Once we have an estimate for we can improve the estimate by modifying the trajectory to account for the gravity from the secondary as follows:

Calculate the wind velocity from the primary

Now solve for the trajectory from the primary that leaves at at velocity taking into account the force from the secondary.

Determine the path's distance of closest approach to and call that

Estimate the change in initial velocity needed

Update the retarded time using the new distance and wind speed


The only problem occurs when there are multiple solutions for the retarded time…

This will occur once we reach distances of order

If we switch to a rotating frame that rotates counter to the orbit so the angular speed is , then


so that


What is the maximum combined work we can give each processor

How much work can this processor take on level n+1 before it will hold up synchronizations at the next level n, n-1, etc…

Consider 2 levels of AMR

  • And we are distributing level 0 and we have an estimate for the total level 1 workload
  • If we give a single processor a level 0 load > (level 0 + level 1)/MPI_NP then it will keep other processors waiting at the next level 0 sync.
  • So max level 0 load is just (Total WorkLoad for all levels per level 0 step) / MPI_NP
  • Then when distributing the level 1 work load - we have to check that nobody will be waiting for the level 1 synchronizations as well as the level 0 synchronization. So how long before any 1 processor is idle after level 1 step? It's level 1 workload + remaining level 0 work load. So max level 1 workload assigned = min(level 1 workload + remaining level 0 workload)

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