
Version 13 (modified by Jonathan, 11 years ago) ( diff )

Self-gravitating equilibrium profile using density profile and external pressure

Mathematically, we are solving the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium

subject to the constraint that .

Since we can rewrite the equation for HSE as

and we can express the enclosed mass as

Now we can discretize equation 2 as


and equation 1 as

but a taylor series expansion shows that the error at each step in the integration goes as

so we need to limit out point spacing - or improve the accuracy of our discretization.

If we apply linear interpolation to our density profile, we can discretize equation 2 as

and equation 4 becomes a bit of a monster…

 if (r0 == 0d0) then
            dp=drho*((pi*drho*dr**4)/4d0 + (4d0*pi*rho*dr**3)/9d0) + (rho*(pi*drho*dr**3 + 2d0*pi*rho*dr**2))/3d0
            dp=((-36d0*drho*r0)*epsilon*M0*dr + (-36d0*drho*r0**2)*epsilon*M0 + (- 12d0*pi*drho**2*r0**5 + 48d0*pi*rho*drho*r0**4)*epsilon*dr + (- 12d0*pi*drho**2*r0**6 + 48d0*pi*rho*drho*r0**5)*epsi\
lon + (36d0*rho - 36d0*drho*r0)*M0*dr + (9d0*pi*drho**2*r0)*dr**5 + (17d0*pi*drho**2*r0**2 + 28d0*pi*rho*drho*r0)*dr**4 + (2d0*pi*drho**2*r0**3 + 64d0*pi*drho*r0**2*rho + 24d0*pi*r0*rho**2)*dr**3 + (\
- 6d0*pi*drho**2*r0**4 + 24d0*pi*drho*r0**3*rho + 72d0*pi*r0**2*rho**2)*dr**2 +(- 12d0*pi*drho**2*r0**5 + 48d0*pi*rho*drho*r0**4)*dr)/(36d0*r0**2 + 36d0*dr*r0)
         end if

         if (r0 > 0d0) then
         end if
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