Version 92 (modified by 10 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
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Colliding Flows
Paper Figures
Order of accuracy and error in numerical methods
One dimension
Exact Riemann Solver
Godunov Schemes
Approximate Riemann Solvers to be used with Godunov Schemes
Higher order accuracy Godunov schemes
Operator splitting
Two dimension
Self Gravity
Bonnor Ebert Paper
- All files for the final BE paper, submitted Jan. 2014
- Analysis for Paper
- Evaluating Boundary Effects
- Paper Figures
- Paper text and outline
- PDF ApJ Preprint
Bonnor Ebert Studies
- Surface pressure approximations
- Bonnor-Ebert Studies - Theory and Prelim Tests
- Effects of different background media on stability of BE sphere
- Sink formation in quadrant BE simulations
- m(t)
- Gravitational potential of BE sphere and ambient
- Hydrodynamics of Collapse Paper
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