
Version 14 (modified by Erica Kaminski, 6 years ago) ( diff )

Subcritical, subsonic case

General Soln Behavior for this case (different ICs than this run, so just to qualitatively compare):

*Note vr is actually negative for infall

Initial conditions are here: InitialConditions.pdf

1283, fixed grid

At this resolution (dx=.03125), the critical radius (rcrit=.0158) is contained within the kernel (r_acc=.125), but below the grid scale (r_min=.027). So, the soln doesn't turn over the way it does in the above plots, at this resolution. Instead, the density and radial velocity are monotonic.

A density comparison of the new algorithm (left) vs. the Krumholz algorithm (right):

Density lineouts comparison-

Mach comparison-

Sink mass vs. time-

However, since the density is going up near the sink particle, implies that the sink isn't accreting 'fast enough'. This is reflected as a decrease in the infall around the sink particle as pressure waves from the increased central density propagate outward:

Testing AMR compatibility

Image comparing 1283 fixed grid (left) vs. 643 + 1 level (right) 20 frames into simulation:

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