Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of u/erica/RadHydro

03/29/16 20:04:10 (9 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/erica/RadHydro

    v11 v12  
    6363[[latex($\frac{\partial \rho e}{\partial t} = -\kappa (4\pi B- cE)>0$)]]
    65 cE needs to get larger than 4piB. This can be achieved by the combined effect of increased BB radiation (through the compressional heating), ''in addition '' to slower diffusion. Thus, for this problem it seems you would want [[latex($\kappa_R= \kappa_R (\rho)$)]], as that would control the scenario you want. That is, in the early stages of collapse, the increased heat due to infall should be cooling through radiative losses. I.e., the collapse should remain isothermal. However, after a certain point the collapse should become adiabatic. This seems to be controllable through the diffusion term. I can't think of physical reasons why you might want to change [[latex($\kappa_p$)]]. In what situations would you want more or less coupling?
     65cE needs to get larger than 4piB. This can be achieved by the combined effect of increased BB radiation (through the compressional heating), ''in addition '' to slower diffusion. Thus, for this problem it seems you would want [[latex($\kappa_R= \kappa_R (\rho)$)]]. That is, in the early stages of collapse (low rho), the increased heat due to infall should be cooling through radiative losses. I.e., the collapse should remain isothermal. However, after a certain density is reached, the collapse should become adiabatic. This seems to be controllable through the diffusion term. I can't think of physical reasons why you might want to change [[latex($\kappa_p$)]]. In what situations would you want more or less coupling?
    6767''' Radiation with a source '''