
Version 5 (modified by Erica Kaminski, 7 years ago) ( diff )

Target values for jet quantities (to be split exactly over the top and bottom outflow cones, and in the case of momentum — in opposite directions):

Quantity Target Value Description
Mass, Some fraction of accreted mass
(Radial) Momentum, The outflow mass has radial velocity = escape speed at surface of protostar
Angular Momentum, Some fraction of accreted spin angular momentum, perhaps we can make this more physical, and align along different axis
Energy/Temperature ?? Should we inject a temperature into the jet?? This wouldn't be self-consistent/conservative since we don't assign a temp to the sink particle

What we seek are outflow quantities :

where is the target outflow quantity, and are the smoothing functions in and (which also define the outflow's conical geometry), and , are the normalization constants to be found such that:

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