
Version 2 (modified by Erica Kaminski, 9 years ago) ( diff )

Trying to get a shock physics perspective on the re-orientation of the collision interface. To do so, wanted to understand the types of shocks generated by the oblique MHD colliding flows runs, and the change in fluid variables over these waves. Started by running a 1D tilted infinite Riemann problem, so to speak. It is generated by inflow conditions in X, and has periodic boundaries in Y. The incoming velocity and magnetic field vectors correspond to the 30-degree tilted CF case. Mach = 1.5, and Beta = 1. Cooling and self-gravity are turned off.

Here is density psuedo with velocity vectors and magnetic field streamlines overlaid:

Over the fast wave front, we see the expected bending of the velocity field away from the normal of the shock front, and corresponding bending of the field lines. The color bar for the streamline plot measures strength of B, and so we see that the field increases in strength over the first jump, but then decreases

Waves figures.

Jonathan wave figures,

Vortices for 2D finite case, generating ram pressure that leads to stair-casing effects, the effect of kinking of the field on top and bottom on outer wave front (stalling that happens), 2 ideas for re-orientation:

  1. more x-momentum due to kinking and shear flow and balance between pressure and radial expansion.

In this picture, the radial expansion of the flow drags the field lines out of the collision region. Depending on which side of the interface you are on, this is either enhanced by the shear, or partially cancelled out. Figure of close up. On the side where the field remains relatively straight, gas doesn't get deflected as strongly as on the other side, given the flow is tied to the field. (Here, could strengthen this argument by better understanding of the connection between field, velocity, in MHD shocks). This leads to more net x momentum on one side of the interface then the other, and thus, torque. A figure shows this to be the case. However, whether this picture for why the momentum gets amplified on one side of the interface is correct, is still unclear.

  1. In the other scenario, it is purely an effect of the radial expansion of gas away from the collision region. The infinite case teaches us that the velocity goes to zero in the center of the collision region in the MHD case. However, when there is a pressure gradient between the collision region and the surrounding ambient gas, we see a strong outward (relative to the center of the collision region) velocity field arise. That there is now an up/down (relative to the cylindrical axis of the flows) velocity field within the collision region, sends gas upward and downward, thus effectively straightening out the collision region. In the hydro case, this is not the case, as there the velocity field is the usual sheared flow field. (Which, by the way, uh-oh for our runs declaring to study a 'shear' effect). Thus, we do not see a realignment of the interface in the hydro case. In visit, drawing a line along the original collision angle shows supports that the interface realligns in the MHD case, but not in the hydro case.
  1. In the 3rd scenario, it may be due to the tension in the field. (Rubber-band model).

What we do see in the hydro case, however, (at least in 2D), is a staircase effect. This seems to be getting generated by vortices above and below the collision region. Material that is deflected away from the flows by the shear, falls back down onto the cylinder due to pressure gradients. This additional material then creates more x-momentum/ram pressure, which drives the stair-casing structure.

Another interesting feature present in the MHD case, is that the outer wave front (fast shock) stalls on the upper right/lower left of the collision interface. This is happening because there is a loss of magnetic pressure behind this wave front, and thus, the shock loses its support and stalls (see following figure of magnetic pressure map). The enhanced magnetic pressure, relatively speaking, in the contra regions are due to the combined effect of 1. the deflection of material and 2. the enhanced pressure from radial expansion. In regions where the magnetic pressure is strongest, the wave front is supported and continues to move outward, thus appearing to straighten the outer wave front.

Now, Jonathan recently identified a way of decomposing the types of shocks in the simulations based on an eigen analysis. With this new code, we are able to see the different types of shocks present in the flow. For the MHD/infinite case, we see there are 5 wave fronts:

For the finite case now, here they are:

We can imagine writing these results up in a paper, which could look like:

Identify the wave structure, Jonathan's method for picking out types of shocks, and the shocks present in the different cases.

Put problem in terms of beta and mach to allow for a predictive theory for reorientation.

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