71 | | In column density, the transverse runs are mirror images of each other. This can be seen most at once, looking down the barrel in x. When looking transversely, orient yourself to the direction of the incoming flow along x, then consider the direction of the field using the coordinate axes at bottom of each column. You will see that the same behavior is seen (at least in column density) between the different orientations. That is, the middle box has same behavior as bottom right box, when you consider the relative directions of the field and the direction of colliding flows. |
| 71 | In column density, the transverse runs (y-field and z-field) are mirror images of each other. This can be seen at once looking down the barrel in x. When looking transversely, orient yourself to the direction of the incoming flow along x, then consider the direction of the field using the coordinate axes at bottom of each column. You will see that the same behavior is seen between the different orientations. That is, the middle box has same behavior as bottom right box, when you consider the relative directions of the field and the colliding flows. |