73 | | The time-step, is constrained by the CFL condition, which uses the max wave speed on the grid. The constraint used in the God. code here allows any given wave on the grid to travel a full delta_x in a time-step. In allowing this, we achieve a more efficient time-marching scheme, but with the assumption that wave interactions do not lead to wave accelerations. The CFL condition, rearranged for dt, is given by: |
| 73 | The time-step is constrained by the CFL condition, which uses the max wave speed on the grid. The constraint used in the God. code here allows any given wave on the grid to travel a full delta_x in a time-step. In allowing this, we achieve a more efficient time-marching scheme, but with the assumption that wave interactions do not lead to wave accelerations. The CFL condition, rearranged for dt, is given by: |