Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of u/erica/CFLiterature

12/21/14 14:22:20 (10 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/erica/CFLiterature

    v3 v4  
    3 '''[ Magnetically Regulated Star Formation in Three Dimensions: The Case of the Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex], ''Nakamura, Fumitaka; Li, Zhi-Yun'' '''[[br]] Low res sims of lkjdel kljdij lsakj lksjd lkjs d. ljweiou oijjlksj ew. woiuekwjeiowuoiuewql. oiuedoiuewjfdlkejdoie jeowj. iudiwejkehofiehjr. okjfcioejfkrejroiej. nciuewhrkewqjnqwjoeij. kjdoiwejlkwjeroij. oijfewlkjroijewoijq.ncfoiwhrejhoihqdknfcqwlje lkjdoiqwej dokjdoiqj eioqwjkej oijwq oijeqjk oiqu eoiqje lqkj .oijdwoi jednlkqewj oijqeoljq d0ioqjd oqmwoij dq. oijdwqlkjemdioqwmd ql. ojdewoijdrlwqmeqnrq.
     3'''[ Magnetically Regulated Star Formation in Three Dimensions: The Case of the Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex], ''Nakamura, Fumitaka; Li, Zhi-Yun'' '''[[br]] Model strong fields + diffuse clouds, motivated by observations of Taurus & Pipe Nebula which show large scale ordered fields that run perpendicular to diffuse elongated clouds. Sims include ambipolar diffusion and outflow feedback. Find that ~1% of the magnetically critical gas is turned into stars per local free-fall time. This slow star formation takes place in only marginally supersonic condensations, suggesting that magnetic fields are primarily responsible for SF regulation, rather than turbulence. Notable figures [[ here]].
    46'''[ Magnetically Regulated Star Formation in Three Dimensions: The Case of the Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex], ''Nakamura, Fumitaka; Li, Zhi-Yun'' '''[[br]] Low res sims of lkjdel kljdij lsakj lksjd lkjs d. ljweiou oijjlksj ew. woiuekwjeiowuoiuewql. oiuedoiuewjfdlkejdoie jeowj. iudiwejkehofiehjr. okjfcioejfkrejroiej. nciuewhrkewqjnqwjoeij. kjdoiwejlkwjeroij. oijfewlkjroijewoijq.ncfoiwhrejhoihqdknfcqwlje lkjdoiqwej dokjdoiqj eioqwjkej oijwq oijeqjk oiqu eoiqje lqkj .oijdwoi jednlkqewj oijqeoljq d0ioqjd oqmwoij dq. oijdwqlkjemdioqwmd ql. ojdewoijdrlwqmeqnrq.
    57'''[ Magnetically Regulated Star Formation in Three Dimensions: The Case of the Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex], ''Nakamura, Fumitaka; Li, Zhi-Yun'' '''[[br]] Low res sims of lkjdel kljdij lsakj lksjd lkjs d. ljweiou oijjlksj ew. woiuekwjeiowuoiuewql. oiuedoiuewjfdlkejdoie jeowj. iudiwejkehofiehjr. okjfcioejfkrejroiej. nciuewhrkewqjnqwjoeij. kjdoiwejlkwjeroij. oijfewlkjroijewoijq.ncfoiwhrejhoihqdknfcqwlje lkjdoiqwej dokjdoiqj eioqwjkej oijwq oijeqjk oiqu eoiqje lqkj .oijdwoi jednlkqewj oijqeoljq d0ioqjd oqmwoij dq. oijdwqlkjemdioqwmd ql. ojdewoijdrlwqmeqnrq.