Changes between Version 65 and Version 66 of u/erica/2DShockedClumpsSNR

01/31/18 09:05:56 (7 years ago)
Erica Kaminski


  • u/erica/2DShockedClumpsSNR

    v65 v66  
    8282<To be added... >
    84 === Run 4 - Mach Comparison (Mach 100 vs. 200 vs. 300) ===
     84=== Run 4 - Mach Comparison (Mach 1.5, 10, 100) ===
    86 === Run 5 - Mach Comparison (Mach 1.5, 10, 100) ===
     86These simulations were intended to explore the dependance of bow shock thickness (the distance between the edge of the bow shock and the clump surface) on the mach number of the impinging flow. For these runs, I moved the boundaries far enough away so that the bow shock did not reach them over the course of the simulation. The effective resolution of the clump was kept constant using AMR, but the resolution in the ambient medium was reduced to speed up the calculation. Given the ambient medium is uniform and stationary, reducing its resolution in this way is reasonable, so long as the shock front is resolved to the same effective resolution as in the fiducial case (which produced a well-converged solution as shown in earlier line plots of the front).
     89The first set of plots shows a comparison of the bow shocks (for M=1.5, 10, 100) at the moment the forward shock wraps around the clump and converges on itself, thereby creating a ‘mach stem’ or stagnation point behind the clump. As these plots show, the bow shock thickness is roughly equal in the different cases.
    8891[[Image(Mach_comparison_earlier.png, 75%)]]
     93In viewing an animation of these different runs, the bow shock of the M=1.5 run seemed to still be evolving quite rapidly at this point, in that it was expanding away from the clump at a much higher rate than the other runs. This made me wonder if a better comparison of the bow shock thickness would be when (if) the bow shocks came to some steady-state configuration with respect to the upstream flow. The next set of plots shows these 3 runs at a later time, at which it seems the M=10, and 100 have reached a near steady state. The M=1.5 seems to still be expanding by this point.
    9095[[Image(Mach_comparison_later.png, 75%)]]
     97Some of the papers referenced in my library (see below) for shock/clump interactions present theoretical estimates for the thickness of the bow shock. The results presented here should be explored further to see if they align with these estimates. Further more, while the time scale on which the clump/bow shock boundary becomes unstable to the Kelvin-Helmholtz, Rayleigh-Taylor, and nonlinear thin shell instabilities is roughly a clump crushing time, I expect the wave length of the resulting instabilities may also be a function of the upstream mach number.
     99Thus, varying the mach number of the upstream flow can answer two questions:
     1011. What is the dependance of bow shock ‘thickness’ (or, similarly the time scale to reach  a steady state configuration) on the mach number of the upstream flow?
     1032. what is the relationship between upstream mach and the wave length of fluid instabilities excited along the shocked clump surface?
     106=== Run 5 - Mach Comparison (Mach 100 vs. 200 vs. 300) ===
     108Produced similar results as the previous set of mach runs.
    92110=== Run 6 - AMR tests ===
    94 This set of runs is meant to see how to adequately track the shock front with AMR and the clump. As the resolution in the ambient medium goes down with AMR, we wish to provide adequate resolution around the shock front as to not degrade the solution. Am doing a quick test of an AMR simulation of the fiducial initial conditions with the resolution of the ambient medium decreased by a factor of 4, plus two levels of refinement on the clump and refinement triggered by density gradients.
     112We want to track the shock front to the highest resolution possible to minimize numerical dissipation of the shock front as it traverses the grid.To achieve this, we need the AMR to refine the shock front to the max level possible. Additionally, we want the clump to be resolved adequately; as a rule of thumb the clump should have at least 64 zones per clump radius.
     114To track the shock front, we could use refinement criterion based on density gradients as used here. As can be seen from these images, the shock front is refined to the maximum AMR level over the course of the simulation. The clump, however, is being refined to the max level just along its edge, which exhibits a sharp density gradient. Forcing the entire clump to be refined to the max level can be done upon initialization easily enough using a geometrical refinement object in the code.
    96117[[Image(amr_mesh.png, 75%)]]
     119In testing AMR on this setup, I was finding that the meshing algorithm produces slightly different AMR patch distributions when different numbers of processors are used (for reference, the run presented here used 16 processors). It seems that numerical errors are produced within the clump when the mesh is asymmetric, resulting in asymmetries in the fluid instabilities (compare left image with AMR to right without AMR):
    98121[[Image(AMR_Fixed_Comparison.png, 75%)]]
     123This is particularly noticeable along the central axis of the clump, normal to the shock. More on this in the conclusions section below.
    100126=== Run 7 - Prelim 3D run ===
    106132Estimate ~ 5 hours per frame with cooling turned on at same resolution above (on 24 processors).
     134=== Run 8 - Conclusions ===
    108136=== Unresolved thoughts: ===