51 | | Note that we must initialize the left and right state of a "Riemann problem" (where the discontinuity corresponds to the interface between the grid and the boundary zones) which generates a shock traveling to the right into the grid at 2,000 km/s. In other words, we solve the jump conditions across a 2,000 km/s shock using the pre-shock values of the gas in the grid to initialize the boundary zones (the "post-shock" gas). If the incoming flow does not match the jump condition values ''exactly'', additional waves will be generated once the incoming flow collides with the ambient gas in the box. To illustrate this, see the following image which shows an initial inflow at the boundary that has slightly different values than those specified by the jump conditions, compared to the true values (right). |
| 51 | Note that we must initialize the left and right state of a "Riemann problem" (where the Riemann interface lies along the boundary between the grid and ghost zones) that generates a shock traveling to the right into the grid at 2,000 km/s. In other words, we solve the jump conditions across a 2,000 km/s shock using the pre-shock values of the gas in the grid to initialize the boundary zones (the "post-shock" gas). If the incoming flow does not match the jump condition values ''exactly'', additional waves will be generated once the incoming flow collides with the ambient gas in the box. To illustrate this, see the following image which shows an initial inflow at the boundary that has slightly different values than those specified by the jump conditions, compared to the true values (right). |