
Version 56 (modified by ehansen, 13 years ago) ( diff )

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My Library

Here I have been collecting the important literature relative to my research. Most of these papers are about or related to radiative, magnetized jets and shocks. I will also include notes/summary for each paper.

Eddie's Library

3D Cooling Jets

Using Martin's CRL618 jet module, I have been testing 3D jets with different cooling strengths.


1D Radiative Shocks

This is the problem of setting up a semi-analytic solution for a steady, 1D, radiative shock. It was mainly used to test the implementation of NEQ and Z cooling.


Z Cooling

The 5th type of cooling implemented in astrobear. This includes forbidden line emission, and uses Pat Hartigan's tables.


Non-equilibrium Cooling

The 4th type of cooling implemented in astrobear. This includes effects of ionization and recombination.


Building a 1D Hydro Code

The best way to learn how to write a hydro code is to build your own. I've created a separate page on the wiki to document the important aspects of fluid dynamics and numerical methods as I learn how to build my own 1D hydro code: Building a 1D Hydro Code

Rayleigh-Taylor Instability

The RT Instability…a dense fluid sitting on top of a light fluid. When slightly perturbed the light fluid rises upwards, and the heavy fluid sinks downwards. See this page for more details on the problem analysis and simulations: My Rayleigh-Taylor Page

Field Loop Advection

This is from when I was first learning how to run AstroBEAR.

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