Ablative RT Problem
Implementation in the code
2D Case
3D Case
Collects for useful linux scripts & codes
Convert gif files to movie files on Mac | Movie Convert | Using ffmpeg; For Mac
Interpolate from fine grids to coarse grids with AstroBEAR | blog:bliu08282014 | Set Info%ErrFlag to be 1; Read in data and set as level 1 AMR grid instead of 0
cherry pick the values for specific time steps | transfer gravity; | pick up gravity values around ts
hdf5 data to txt | HDF5 to ASCII; ASCII to TXT; | The hdf5 files need to be from single-core runs
Read in chombo files with multi-processors and reWrite the same frame using single-core. Useful when transferring hdf5 files to txt files. | scrambler.f90; subst for run-directory; script; | Replace the scrambler.f90 file with the new one. The frame number in script need to be updated. 8.19.2014
Multi_Data to Multi_Plots | plot.sh gnuplot template | Put the data files to ./Data and generate plots to ./PNGs with gnuplot
Scripts to transfer the hdf4 file to text on BH2 | hdf4_to_ascii; combine_pos_var; combine_pos_var; combine_pos_var_v2 | hdf4 module needed
Extended 2D data to 3D (Set Precisions!) | SI along y;SI along z; cgs along z; | Generate 3D initial data to testing the Ablative RT 3D module code. The initial profile is along y/z direction. Everything along z is same. 2D data in 2Ddata/ and 3D data generated in 3Ddata/