
Version 90 (modified by Baowei Liu, 4 years ago) ( diff )


data files;;;
No cooling density; temperature;
alpha=3.92246d-23, beta=0 res; density; temperature;raio_jet_CL
alpha=3.92246d-24, beta=0 res; density; temperature;raio_jet_CL
alpha=7.84492d-24, beta=0 raio_jet_CL; density; temperature
compare frame 80;temperature;

New analytic cooling 6.20.2020

  1. Code
    alpha = 1e-21
    beta = [-2.5 -0.2 0 -.2 2.5]
    T0=10^5 K
    Cooling only applies to Ambient trailer < 1/3 which is the initial ambient density
    Current version of code -- need better ways of handling Temp0 and trailer!!!
      FUNCTION AnalyticCoolingStrength2(q, Temp)
         REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: AnalyticCoolingStrength2
         REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: q(:)
         ! Local declarations
         REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: Temp, Temp0, T0
         Temp0 = 100000  !10^5 Kelvin
         T0 = Temp/Temp0
         AnalyticCoolingStrength2=(q(1)-q(9))**2 * A_alpha*T0**A_beta*ScaleCool
         !! only for ambient tracer > 1/3 which is the scaless value for initial ambient density
         !! Jet density is the initial jet density
         if( (q(1)-q(9)) <= 2d0 ) AnalyticCoolingStrength2=0d0
      END FUNCTION AnalyticCoolingStrength2
rho_amb 1e17 1/cm3
T_amb 4320 K
rho_jet 6e17 1/cm3
T_jet 720 K
T_ps 183920 K
V_jet 44.982 km/s
Mach 14.2404
T_floor 720 K
  1. results
beta=0.0 Jets;Ambient;Ambient zoomed;resoluation; Cooling Strength;
beta=2.5 Cooling Strength;

Summaries 5.4.2020

  1. Current version of code/Alcooling curve works or need to make a new curve?

Smoothing Ratio of Cooling Strength/Internal Energy

InternalEnergy = E-0.5*(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)/rho
ratio_CS_IE_rJet_vJet = ratio_CoolingStrength_InternalEnergy * (Rjet/Vjet/timeScale)
softened_ratio_CS_IE_rJet_vJet = mean_filter(ratio_CS_IE_rJet_vJet)
softened ratio mach 6 Alcooling vs nocooling smoothing ratio
  1. Post-processing/projection density
  1. MHD runs with Alcooling
mach 6 MHD vs hydro Alcooling
  1. Code for Rob

Test runs with Small Box 4.15.2020

Try 1e-3 times small box (and jet radius) so "Lx=Ly=Lz=3e-3 cm" and "Rjet=0.1e-3 cm" —since the Al cooling strength is high.

Common parameters:

rho_amb 1e18 1/cm3
T_amb 4320 K
rho_jet 6e18 1/cm3
T_jet 720 K
resolution no cooling log rhoAl cooling log rhoScaled Al cooling CoolingStrength/InternalEnergy*(Rjet/Vjet)

Cooling Strength 4.6.2020

Compare the Alcooling and DMcooling strength


 nH=q(1)/(1d0+HeFrac+ZFrac) !assumes XMU is consistent with number abundance.
         DMCoolingStrength=nH**2*10d0**GetTableValue(DM_eqTab, log10(Temp))DMCoolingStrength=DMCoolingStrength*ScaleCool


      ne = (6d0/7d0)*q(1)*nScale  ! number densities based on Z = 6
      nAl = (1d0/7d0)*q(1)*nScale
      logne = LOG10(ne)
      Temp = Temp/1.16045d4       ! K to eV
      logtemp = LOG10(Temp)
      AlCoolingStrength=ne*nAl*GetTableValue(AlTab, (/logtemp, logne/))/(nScale**2d0)
Cooling Table comparison Al and DM cooling table Al and DM cooling table zoom five runs on cooling table
InternalEnergy = E-0.5*(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)/rho
ratio_CS_IE_rJet_vJet = ratio_CoolingStrength_InternalEnergy * (Rjet/Vjet/timeScale)

Rjet = 0.1 cm
Vjet = 15.69 km/s
timeScale = 2.594e-5
ratio_CS_IE_rJet_vJet for Run2 mach6 ratio_CS_IE_rJet_vJet zoomed

Cooling Strength DMcooling rho=e18 Alcooling rho=e18 Alcooling rho=e16
CoolingStrength/InternalEnergy DMcooling rho=e18 Alcooling rho=e18 Alcooling rho=e16
CoolingStrength/InternalEnergy*(Rjet/Vjet)DMcooling rho=e18 Alcooling rho=e18 Alcooling rho=e16

lower density runs 4.1.2020

Common parameters:

rho_amb 1e17 1/cm3
T_amb 4320 K
rho_jet 6e17 1/cm3
T_jet 720 K


resolution jet radiusresolution shock

T_ps (K) Vjet (km/s) Mach
Run1 23150 15.96 5.0528 run1
Run2 36700 20.093 6.3611 run2
Run3 58160 25.295 8.0081 run3
Run4 92180 31.845 10.0816 run4
Run5 183920 44.982 14.2407 run5

Cooling WaveLength 3.30.2020

Add CoolingWavenumber field

            CALL cons_to_source(q)
            vg = SQRT(SUM(q(2:m_high)**2d0))
            GetField = GetCoolingStrength(q)/vg/q(iE)
            CALL source_to_cons(q)


DMcooling Alcooling DMcooling cooling strength Alcooling cooling strength

Debugging Cooling Length Field 3.23.2020


DMcooling Alcooling 1 Alcooling 2 Alcooling 3


      ne = (6d0/7d0)*q(1)*nScale  ! number densities based on Z = 6
      nAl = (1d0/7d0)*q(1)*nScale
      logne = LOG10(ne)
      Temp = Temp/1.16045d4       ! K to eV
      logtemp = LOG10(Temp)
      AlCoolingStrength=ne*nAl*GetTableValue(AlTab, (/logtemp, logne/))/(nScale**2d0)

            CALL cons_to_source(q)
            vg = SQRT(SUM(q(2:m_high)**2d0))
            !cs = SQRT(gamma*(gamma-1d0)*q(iE)/q(1))
            !v_rel = ABS(-vg/3d0 + SQRT(4d0/9d0*vg**2d0-cs**2d0))
            !cs_floor = SQRT(gamma*FloorTemp/TempScale)
            !v = MAX(v_rel,cs_floor)
            GetField = vg*q(iE)/GetCoolingStrength(q)
            CALL source_to_cons(q)


   SUBROUTINE Cons_To_Source(q)
      REAL(KIND=qpREC), DIMENSION(:) :: q
      CALL ConvertTotalToInternalEnergy(q)

Alcooling functions and tables

See Fiducial Runs 2.6.2020 below

Runs following cooling curve 2.24.2020

1 ev ~ 11604.5 K

points picked on the curve:
xp=[0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2]

T_ps = 10^yp = 1.0e+05*[0.2315    0.3670    0.5816    0.9218    1.8392]


M_H = 1.6733 * 1e-24;
KB = 1.380658 * 1e-16;

Vjet = sqrt(4*KB*T_ps/M_H/3);

Vjet =   1.0e+06 *[1.5960    2.0093    2.5295    3.1845    4.4982] cm/s
     = [15.96 20.093 25.295 31.845 44.982] km/s

T_jet = 720 K

mach=[5.0528    6.3611    8.0081   10.0816   14.2407]

Extend cooling table: low temperature: -> - inf
                      high temperature:  extend or flat
                      low and high density: extrapolate

five runs on cooling table

Runs to do

Common parameters:

rho_amb 1e18 1/cm3
T_amb 4320 K
rho_jet 6e18 1/cm3
T_jet 720 K


!! Cooling length plot unavailable due to a bug in the function of calculating cooling length in AstroBEAR !**

T_ps (K) Vjet (km/s) Mach
Run1 23150 15.96 5.0528 run1
Run2 36700 20.093 6.3611 run2
Run3 58160 25.295 8.0081 run3
Run4 92180 31.845 10.0816 run4
Run5 183920 44.982 14.2407 run5

3.4.2020 higher Temp ambient

!! the bug in cooling length calculation has been fixed in these runs!**

rho_amb 0.2e18 1/cm3
T_amb 21600 K
rho_jet 6e18 1/cm3
T_jet 720 K
T_ps (K) Vjet (km/s) Mach
Run6 23150 15.96 5.0528 run6
Run7 36700 20.093 6.3611 run7
Run8 58160 25.295 8.0081 run8
Run9 92180 31.845 10.0816 run9
Run10 183920 44.982 14.2407 run10

3.6.2020 lower Temp ambient

ambient temperature and density are the same as jets

rho_amb 6e18 1/cm3
T_amb 720 K
rho_jet 6e18 1/cm3
T_jet 720 K
T_ps (K) Vjet (km/s) Mach
Run11 23150 15.96 5.0528 run11
Run12 36700 20.093 6.3611 run12
Run13 58160 25.295 8.0081 run13
Run14 92180 31.845 10.0816 run14
Run15 183920 44.982 14.2407 run15

!! Plots for cooling length or ratio of cooling length/jet radius is not correct due to a bug in the function of calculating cooling length in AstroBEAR !**

Fiducial Runs 2.6.2020

runs njet Tjet vjet njet*vjet njet*vjet*vjet Pjet namb Tamb Pamb
1 n1=6e18 1/cm3 T1=1.4e4 K V1=70 km/s n1*V1 n1*V1*V1 n1*T1 n1/6 6*T1 n1*T1
2 n1/36 36*T1 36*V1 n1*V1 36*n1*V1*V1 n1*T1 n1/6 6*T1 n1*T1
3 n1/36 36*T1 6*V1 n1*V1/6 n1*V1*V1 n1*T1 n1/6 6*T1 n1*T1
  1. Mach 5 Heavy Jets
rho_amb 1e18 1/cm3
T_amb 8.4e4 K
rho_jet 6e18 1/cm3
T_jet 1.4e4 K
vel_jet 70 km/s
no cooling heavy jets no cooling
Al cooling heavy jets Al cooling short run
  1. Mach 30 light Jets
rho_amb 1e18 1/cm3
T_amb 8.4e4 K
rho_jet 0.167e18 1/cm3
T_jet 50.4e4 K
vel_jet 2520 km/s
no cooling mach 30 light jets no cooling
Al cooling mach 30 light jets Al cooling
  1. Mach 5 light Jets
rho_amb 1e18 1/cm3
T_amb 8.4e4 K
rho_jet 0.167e18 1/cm3
T_jet 50.4e4 K
vel_jet 420 km/s
no cooling mach 5 light jets no cooling
Al cooling mach 5 light jets Al cooling
  1. Al cooling function from Eddie

cooling.f90; AlCooling.f90;; new format Al Cooling table; boundary condition def;

cooling function plot

Lab runs 2.5.2020


rho_amb 1e18 1/cm3
rho_jet 6e18 1/cm3
vel_jet 1 60 km/s
vel_jet 2 80 km/s

problem.f90;;;; outflow objects

No Cooling, B=0, Tjet=100k, open_angle=15 no cooling 100k
No Cooling, B=0, Tjet=100k, open_angle=0 no cooling 100k thin
No Cooling, B=0, Tjet=100k, open_angle=0 no cooling 100k wide
No Cooling, B=0, Tjet=1000k no cooling 1000k

Lab runs before 2.5.2020


rho_amb 1e18 1/cm3
rho_jet 6e18 1/cm3
vel_jet 1 60 km/s
vel_jet 2 80 km/s


No Cooling, B=0, Tjet=100k no cooling 100k wrong time scale, should be 100 larger
No Cooling, B=0, Tjet=10000k no cooling 10000K wrong time scale, should be 100 larger
Analytic Cooling, B=0, Tjet=10000k ana cooling 10000k wrong time scale, should be 100 larger
Z Cooling, B=0, Tjet=10000k z cooling 10000k wrong time scale, should be 100 larger

Test Runs before 1.29.2020

3D MHD Colliding Jets

rho_amb 0.01 1/cm3
rho_jet 70000 1/cm3
vel_jet 1 80 km/s
vel_jet 2 60 km/s

No Cooling, B=0, Tjet=10k rho
No Cooling, B=0, Tjet=1000k rho
DM Cooling, B=0, Tjet=10k rho
DM Cooling, B=0, Tjet=1000k rho
No Cooling, toroidal B=1e-5, Tjet=10k;;
DM Cooling, toroidal B=1e-5, Tjet=1000k; rho;
No Cooling, toroidal B=1e-6, Tjet=10k;;
DM Cooling, toroidal B=1e-5, Tjet=10k;; rho;Bx;By


different problem module


  1. Suzuki15
  2. Remington06
  3. Ryutov99
  4. Ryutov00
  5. Ryutov01
  6. Adam's write up
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