Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of u/bliu/AblativeRT/HybridEquations

06/05/15 12:24:21 (10 years ago)
Baowei Liu


  • u/bliu/AblativeRT/HybridEquations

    v1 v2  
    1 The current version of the code has changed the temperature from computational units to Kelvin or solves the energy equation instead of temperature. This note is to check the parameter and equations changes need to do to be consistent comparing the old ways of [ thermal diffusion equation in Astrobear]. So lhs of the equation was replaced by the derivative of the energy.
     1This try is to change the temperature from computational units to Kelvin or solves the energy equation instead of temperature. This note is to check the parameter and equations changes need to do to be consistent comparing the old way of [ thermal diffusion equation in AstroBEAR since the old way works. This way all the parameters would be same as [  the old way]. Only lhs of the equation was replaced by the derivative of the energy getdEdT.
     3== 1. Equations and Parameters==
     4Equation solved in Betti's code (SI units and Temperature in Joules)
     6$$\rho C^{\prime}_{v}\frac{\partial K_{B}T}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left[\kappa_{0}(K_{B}T)^{n}\frac{\partial (K_{B}T)}{\partial x}\right]$$
     7where $K_{B}$ is Boltzmann constant and $C^{\prime}_{v}=C_{v}/K_{B}$ as in [ Betti's document] and $C_{v}$ is the normal specific heat capacity.
     8And the flux is
     9$$q_{0}=\kappa_{0}(K_{B}T)^{n}\frac{\partial (K_{B}T)}{\partial x_{SI}}$$
     11To convert this to cgs units we write
     13$$10^{3}\rho_{cgs}\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=\frac{\kappa_{0}K_{B}^{n}}{C^{\prime}_{v}}\frac{\partial}{10^{-2}\partial x_{cgs}}\left[T^{n}\frac{\partial T}{10^{-2}\partial x_{cgs}}\right]$$
     15That is
     17$$\frac{1}{\gamma-1}\rho_{cgs}\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=\frac{10\kappa_{0}K_{B}^{n}}{(\gamma-1)C^{\prime}_{v}}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{cgs}}\left[T^{n}\frac{\partial T}{\partial x_{cgs}}\right]$$
     19Put the equation in c.u., it will be
     21$$\frac{1}{\gamma-1}\rho\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left[\kappa1 T^{n}\frac{\partial T}{\partial x_{cgs}}\right]$$
     23and the lhs is in c.u. of energy
     25And the definition of $\kappa_{1}$ and $q^{*}_{cgs}$ would be same.
     29$$q^{*}_{cgs}=\kappa_{1}T^{n}\frac{\partial T}{\partial x_{cgs}} $$
     31Comparing the definition of $q_{0}$ and $q^{*}_{cgs}$ we have $$ q_{0}=10(\gamma-1)q^{*}_{cgs}C^{\prime}_{v}K_{B}$$
     33In [  Betti's data], $C^{\prime}_{v}=7.816e26$ and $\gamma=5/3$ so
    3372. Scales for converting from cgs to cu