Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of u/adebrech/PlanetSims

07/07/16 10:27:32 (9 years ago)


  • u/adebrech/PlanetSims

    v6 v7  
     1= Mass Loss Rates =
     3|| Value || Mdot (g/s) ||
     4|| Aniso || 6.1x10^9^  ||
     5|| lambda=5 || 5.6x10^11^  ||
     6|| lambda=15 || 3x10^7^  ||
     7|| M,,p,, = M,,J,, || 9.9x10^9^  ||
     8|| M,,p,, = 0.5M,,J,, || 1.5x10^9^  ||
     9|| M,,p,, = 0.25M,,J,, || > 1.67x10^9^  || (not well resolved)
     10|| T,,p,, = 5x10^4^ K || Negative throughout  || (not resolved)
     11|| T,,p,, = 5x10^3^ K || 1.4x10^9^  ||
     12|| T,,amb,, = 3 K || 4.5x10^9^  ||
     13|| T,,amb,, = 25 K || 4.5x10^9^  ||
     14|| T,,amb,, = 50 K || 4.5x10^9^  ||
     16Compare Aniso with net value from planet paper:
     18[[Image(MassLossJonathan.png, width=400)]]
     20I find it suspicious that all three values for T,,amb,, are the same (to 6 decimal places), but less than T,,amb,, = 100 K (for Aniso).
    122= Calculations with VisIt =
    223Focusing on mass loss rate at the moment. Testing on Run5 (Aniso) so I can compare to Jonathan's paper. Created all the expressions I believe are required (see attachment:expressions.xml), with the mass flux defined as density times radial velocity^2^ (properly scaled). When I perform a weighted query on the mass flux over a spherical isosurface (defined in terms of distance from origin), however, I get a value about 3 magnitudes too large (1.14*10^13^). Also tried calculating flux with the mesh flux operator, but velocity times density doesn't seem to be the appropriate quantity. It does make nice pictures, though:
    829First is at r = 0.1, second is at r = 0.05 (Plot is pseudocolor of operator/Flux/Mesh, !SphericalSlice centered at origin). Note that values are negative because the normals of the spherical slice point inwards.
    10 Fixed scaling of expressions. Now summing over an isosurface gives the expected values.
     31Fixed scaling of expressions. Now summing over an isosurface gives the expected values; it would be easy enough to use min/max to calculate inward and outward flux separately, if desired.
    1233= Parameter Space for Planet Sims =