Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of u/adebrech/Matlab/RadiationPressure

07/19/18 15:15:16 (7 years ago)


  • u/adebrech/Matlab/RadiationPressure

    v2 v3  
     1= Blowoff Threshold =
     3Assumptions for below: photon momentum is directed purely radially. Full extent of torus is optically thick (all photons are absorbed). Torus moves uniformly.
     5The initial gravitational binding energy of the gas torus is given by
     7$E_0 = \frac{G M_{gas} M_\star}{a_0}$, with $a_0$ the initial average orbital radius (major radius of the torus) and
     8$M_{gas} = \pi R^2 \theta a_0 \rho$ the mass of gas contained in a torus that extends for an angle $\theta$ around the star with minor radius $R$.
     10The area presented to Lyman-alpha radiation is essentially the rectangle of height $2R$ and width $\theta a_0$, so that
     12$A_0 = 2 \theta a_0 R$.
     14For some major radius $a$, the flux incident on the torus is
     16$F = F_0 \left(\frac{a_0}{a}\right)^2$
     18(and area is $A = 2 \theta a R$).
     20At this radius, the power provided by the photons is
     22$P_{\gamma} = F A e_{\gamma}$. (This part is potentially bothersome - the photons are absorbed as momentum, not energy.)
     24We can calculate the blowoff timescale by determining the amount of time required for the photons to deposit the binding energy of the torus:
     26$\tau_{blowoff} = \frac{E_0}{P_{\gamma}}$
     28We can also calculate the time required for the torus to be fully replenished:
     30$\tau_{rep} = \frac{M}{\dot{M}}$
     32Taking the ratio of these timescales:
     34$\frac{\tau_{blowoff}}{\tau_{rep}} = \frac{G \dot{M} M_\star (a_0 + \Delta a)}{2 a_0^3 e_\gamma F_0 R \theta}$, where $\Delta a$ is the change in major radius we consider sufficient for the material to be "blown off." If $\frac{\tau_{blowoff}}{\tau_{rep}} \gg 1$, the torus will remain essentially unaffected. If $\frac{\tau_{blowoff}}{\tau_{rep}} \ll 1$, the torus will be completely blown away. The timescales are equal for a mass loss rate of 3x10^10^ g/s at a flux of ~8.5x10^12^ phot/cm^2^/s
    136= Lyman-$\alpha$ Line Transfer =