
Version 3 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

PURE FUNCTION get_mu (nvec)

Defined in


  • nvec - number densities of tracked species


  • Calculates mean molecular weight of the gas, based on the number density of each species and the total number density


  • CALLs nparticle to get total number density of particles
  • Assumes electrons have zero mass, so ionizing increases number of particles, but mass stays the same
  • This reduces the mean mu, and since energy is conserved, also reduces the gas temperature.
    • Note: comment says mu ~ 0.5 for HI gas, but I think this should be for HII gas (nHII)*muH/(nHII + ne)…?
  • mu = (nH2*muH2 + (nH+nHII)*muH + (nHe+nHeII+nHeIII)*muHe)/n_total

Invoked in

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