| 132 | |
| 133 | 2D Cuts of the Poloidal Run at about 0.4 million years:[[BR]] |
| 134 | Density:[[BR]] |
| 135 | [[Image(http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/mhdtsf/images/tsfpolcut_0080.png,40%)]] |
| 136 | [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 137 | Magnetic Pressure:[[BR]] |
| 138 | [[Image(http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/mhdtsf/images/tsfpolmag_0080.png,40%)]] |
| 139 | [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 140 | Bz field strength. Note that Bz is pointing out of the board. notice that initially the field is purely poloidal, with axis aligned with the shock normal, therefore the initial Bz is very weak. The final Bz plot looks like strong toroidal field are generated (jet launching?):[[BR]] |
| 141 | [[Image(http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/mhdtsf/images/tsfpolbz_0080.png,40%)]] |
| 142 | [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 143 | Movies:[[BR]] |
| 144 | Density: [[BR]] |
| 145 | http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/mhdtsf/tsfpolcut.gif |
| 146 | [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 147 | Magnetic Pressure: [[BR]] |
| 148 | http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/mhdtsf/tsfpolmag.gif |
| 149 | [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 150 | Bz field strength: [[BR]] |
| 151 | http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/mhdtsf/tsfpolbz.gif |
| 152 | [[BR]][[BR]] |