
Version 11 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Setting up a Run Directory

These directions assume that you have already compiled a problem module. If you have not done this yet, see "Setting up and Compiling A Problem" above.

  1. Move to your system's scratch directory. Most well-managed clusters have a directory like this; it's just a place on a high-volume drive for people to run jobs that produce large amounts of data. The scratch directories for our more heavily-used clusters are listed below:
       grass:  /grassdata/<username>
       bluehive:  /scratch/<username>
       bluegene:  /scratch/<username>
       itasca:    /scratch1/<username>
  1. Create a run directory run_dir. Then, create a subdirectory out within run_dir:
    mkdir run_dir
    mkdir run_dir/out
    The out/ directory is where AstroBEAR will store its output files.
  1. If you are running a problem that uses a source-term lookup table, then copy the TABLES directory from source into your problem directory:
    cp -r <astrobear_path>/source/TABLES run_dir
  1. Put the problem's data files in run_dir. If you are running a sample problem that came with AstroBEAR, such as FieldLoopAdvection, then the data files can be found in the problem directory inside modules.
  1. Copy the astrobear file from your AstroBEAR directory into your run directory:
    cp astrobear <rundir_path>/run_dir
    AstroBEAR is not intended to be run without MPI, so be sure to use the mpiexec command even if you are running a single-processor job. On the plus side, you no longer have to change your data files every time you want to change the number of processors, since AstroBEAR handles decomposition automatically.


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