
Version 3 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

SVN Version Conflict

A version conflict arises in Subversion (SVN) when it is unable to merge a working copy of a file with a repository copy. When this happens, the SVN command's output will include a line like this:

C    file_name

indicating a conflict in the file file_name (e.g., C lib/beario.f90 would appear if a conflict occurred in lib/beario.f90.

When a version conflict occurs, SVN creates two additional copies of file_name: file_name.mine is the "pure" version of the working copy, and file_name.rREVNUM is the "pure" version of the file in revision REVNUM (the version being merged with the working copy). file_name itself will contain the irreconcilable sections of both files, contained in blocks of the following form:

<<<<<<< .mine
{code from working copy}
{code from revision REVNUM repository copy}
>>>>>>> .rREVNUM

The users will have to decide how to resolve the conflict, either by integrating the code themselves or by replacing the hybrid file_name with one of the "pure" copies, otherwise the code will almost certainly not compile.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.