Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of SubSampling

06/28/13 09:08:51 (12 years ago)


  • SubSampling

    v2 v3  
    60  and sometimes we may be implementing a function that is only defined for a certain region (like a clump object etc...) where the value for q outside of a given radius is unknown.  In that case, we just want to add up changes to q for subcells within the region.  So for example to calculate the x component of the potential along a given edge we would
    61 {{{
    62 dx=levels(Info%level)%dx
    63 ddx=dx/N
    64 DO i=1,Info%mX(1)+1
    65   pos(1)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx
    66   DO j=1,Info%mx(2)+1
    67     pos(2)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx
    68     DO k=1,Info%mx(3)+1
    69       pos(3)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx
    70       drho=0d0
    71       DO ii=1,N
    72         ppos(1)=pos(1)+(REAL(ii)-.5)*ddx
    73         DO jj=1,N
    74           ppos(2)=pos(2)+(REAL(jj)-.5)*ddx
    75           DO kk=1,N
    76             ppos(3)=pos(3)+(REAL(kk)-.5)*ddx
    77             drho=(rho_func(ppos)-Info%q(i,j,k,1))
    78           END DO
    79         END DO
    80       END DO
    81       Info%q(i,j,k,1)=Info%q(i,j,k,1)+drho/N**nDim
    82     END DO
    83   END DO
    84 END DO
    85 }}}
    87 For face centered fields we could also subsample, but their is the divergence criterion to consider for B-fields.  We could calculate the potential on a subgrid, and then take a bunch of curls on each face and add them up, but Stoke's theorem lets us just do the integral around the outside.  So we really just need to subsample along the appropriate edge for each component of the vector potential.
     60 and sometimes we may be implementing a function that is only defined for a certain region (like within a certain radius etc...) where the value for q outside of a given radius is unknown and should be left unchanged.  In that case, we just want to add up changes to q for subcells within the region. 
    10275          DO kk=1,N
    10376            ppos(3)=pos(3)+(REAL(kk)-.5)*ddx
    104             drho=(rho_func(ppos)-Info%q(i,j,k,1))
     77            IF (sum(ppos(:)**2) > r2) THEN
     78              drho=drho+(rho_func(ppos)-Info%q(i,j,k,1))
     79            END IF
    10580          END DO
    10681        END DO
     89== Face centered quantities ==
     90* AstroBEAR stores magnetic fields as face averages in the array {{{Info%aux(i,j,k,:)}}}
     91* Each cell is a face perpendicular to the component of the B-field with sides of length {{{dx=levels(Info%level)%dx}}}
     92* What is more important is the location of the edges since those will store in temporary Vector Potentials which can then be used to update the aux fields.
     93* The 'lower' end point of every component of the vector potential A(i,j,k,m) is at {{{Info%xbounds(:,1) + ((/i,j,k/)-1)*dx}}}
     94* The 'upper' end point of each component of the vector potential A(i,j,k,m) is at {{{Info%xbounds(:,1) + ((/i,j,k/)+I(m,:))*dx}}} where {{{I(:,:)}}} is the identity matrix so it effectively adds 1 along the 'm' coordinate. 
     96=== Sub-sampling ===
     98For face centered fields we could also subsample, but there is the divergence criterion to consider for B-fields.  We could calculate the potential on a subgrid, and then take a bunch of curls on each face and add them up, but Stoke's theorem lets us just do the integral around the outside.  So we really just need to subsample along the appropriate edge for each component of the vector potential.  So for example to calculate the x component of the potential along a given edge we would
     102DO i=1,Info%mX(1)
     103  pos(1)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx
     104  DO j=1,Info%mx(2)+1
     105    pos(2)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx
     106    DO k=1,Info%mx(3)+1
     107      pos(3)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx     
     108      A(i,j,k,1)=0d0
     109      DO ii=1,N
     110        ppos(1)=pos(1)+(REAL(ii)-.5)*ddx
     111        A(i,j,k,1)=Ax(ppos)
     112      END DO
     113      A(i,j,k,1)=A(i,j,k,1)/N
     114    END DO
     115  END DO
     116END DO
     119or we could do all three components of the potential like this
     123DO m=1,3
     124  p=1
     125  p(m)=0
     126  DO i=1,Info%mX(1)+p(1)
     127    pos(1)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx
     128    DO j=1,Info%mx(2)+p(2)
     129      pos(2)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx
     130      DO k=1,Info%mx(3)+p(3)
     131        pos(3)=Info%xBbounds(1,1)+(i-1)*dx
     132        A(i,j,k,m)=0d0
     133        DO ii=1,N
     134          ppos(m)=pos(m)+(REAL(ii)-.5)*ddx
     135          temp(:)=VectorPotential(ppos) !This returns a 3-component vector for simplicity
     136          A(i,j,k,m)=A(i,j,k,m)+temp(m) !but we only retain the 'm' component.
     137        END DO
     138        A(i,j,k,m)=A(i,j,k,m)/N
     139      END DO
     140    END DO
     141  END DO
     142END DO
     145There are many examples of loops like these in the various objects (ie clumps, outflows, disks, etc..)
     147One could imagine writing functions like 'volume average', or 'edge average' that could replace those inner loops - that would require a user function to be passed.