9 | | This short namelist governs the numerical solvers used by AstroBEAR, as well as the scheme used to implement those solvers. |
| 9 | This short namelist governs the numerical solvers used by AstroBEAR, as well as the integration scheme used to implement those solvers. |
| 10 | |
| 11 | * '''''iScheme''''': Selects the numerical scheme to run. Currently, we only have option 1 (the sweep method) implemented in AstroBEAR 2.0. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | * '''''iSolver:''''': Selects the solver option to use for this problem. AstroBEAR currently has one exact Riemann solver and five HLL-based [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_solver#Approximate_solvers approximate solvers]. |
| 14 | * {{{0 -- Default}}}: With this option, AstroBEAR selects the appropriate solver option based on the equation of state and whether or not the problem is MHD. If you aren't certain which solver to use, then select this option. |
| 15 | * {{{1 -- iExactRS}}}: An exact Riemann solver. Such solvers produce the most accurate solutions to the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_problem Riemann problem], but are also the most computationally expensive. |
| 16 | * {{{2 -- HLLC}}}: An approximate solver |
| 17 | * {{{3 -- HLL}}}: |