
Version 10 (modified by Jonathan, 14 years ago) ( diff )

Shocked Clumps

Common params

namb 250 cc-1
Tamb 100 K
Rclump 100 AU

Run Params

Run vwind (km/s) chi final time (yr) Tbow (K) Ttrans (K) Lbow (Rc) Ltrans (Rc)
A 50 10 568.9 yr 5.64e+04 5.64e+03 2.51e-01 9.62e+00
B 100 10 248.4 yr
C 200 10 142.2 yr
D 400 10 71.1 yr 3.61e+06 3.61e+05 2.60e+03 3.71e-01
E 800 10 35.6 yr 1.44e+07 1.44e+06 2.02e+04 5.31e+01
F 200 100 142.2 yr 9.02e+05 9.02e+04 9.90e+01 1.74e+00

A naive calculation of Lshock using the instantaneous cooling rate at Tshock would implies that run A is bow only, run D is trans only, run E is neither, and that run F is marginally trans only. However, consider the following figure where we have plotted the cooling lengths in units of clump radius as a function of wind velocity for the bow shock as well as for the transmitted shocks with = 10 & 100

50 10 (bow only) 400 10 (clump only) 800 10 (neither) 200 100 (both)
movie movie zoom movie movie zoom
5 50_10_5400_10_5800_10_5200_100_5
10 50_10_10400_10_10800_10_10200_100_10
15 50_10_15400_10_15800_10_15200_100_15
20 50_10_20400_10_20800_10_20200_100_20
25 50_10_25400_10_25800_10_25200_100_25
30 50_10_30 400_10_30 800_10_30

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