
Version 14 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )


Processing Objects

There are several processing objects that can be used to ana1lyze the results of simulations. Each processing object needs to be created inside of the ProblemModuleInit() routine.

  • Processing will be done during runtime by default
  • Processing can be also done after the simulation has completed by setting 'lPostProcess=.true.' in
    • This allows for adding additional processing objects to your problem module, recompiling, and then generating the results.
  • Postprocessing will begin at the RestartFrame

There are also two classes of processing objects - those that store values on a cell by cell basis within the AMR mesh and are accessible from the chombo file, and those that output scalars(TotalObject), vectors(HistogramObject, SpectraObject), or fixed grid data(ProjectionObjects, PdfObjects) at each frame. Additionally many objects support ShapeObjects that define the region of data to included in the total, histogram, projection, pdf, spectra, etc…

Those that store various diagnostics within the AMR Mesh are listed below and are utilized by adding the appropriate code to your ProblemModuleInit() subroutine

  • CALL StoreChildMasks() - Stores child mask of each cell. You must also add USE ChildMasks
  • CALL StoreCoolingLength() - Stores cooling length. You must also add USE CoolingLength
  • CALL StoreDivergence() - Stores divergence. You must also add USE Divergence
  • CALL StoreErrFlags() - Stores error flags. You must also add USE ErrFlags
  • CALL StoreMPI_IDs() - Stores processor ID. You must also add USE MPI_IDs
  • CALL StoreTreeAvailability() - Stores what regions of the mesh are known by processor MPI_TRACK=0 defined in module TreeAvailability. You must also add USE TreeAvailability

Those that have there own form of IO

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