Version 1 (modified by 7 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
#run it at command line with: #visit -assume_format Chombo -cli -s /Users/mhuartee/Box\ Sync/py/ #meant to produce DATE.okc file to be opened with visit then. MODE25D=1 MODE3D=0 mode=MODE25D SetActiveWindow(1) DeleteActivePlots() import math, datetime, sys, time, os #import numpy as np SuppressMessages(2) start = time.time()#measure program time # *** params *** angjet=0.0 s=math.tan(angjet) DefineScalarExpression("angjet", str(angjet)) xcells=16 #from data pix=(8,8) #36min nx,ny ylim=(0.,8.) zlim=(28,36) #ignorde in MODE25D xlim=(0,8) dy=(ylim[1]-ylim[0])/float(pix[1]) dx=(xlim[1]-xlim[0])/float(pix[0]) where='/scratch/bliu17/Laurence/run_dir_3d_mhd/out/' ###############################"%m-%d") # z=jet # ^ # | # |---> y x axis is pointing out DefineScalarExpression("3dB_strength", "sqrt(Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz)") DefineScalarExpression("fact", "(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)/rho/2.")#Ekinetic if mode == MODE3D #Create expressions in advance DefineScalarExpression("Bproj", "Bz*cos(angjet)+Bx*sin(angjet)") DefineScalarExpression("I", "fact*(By*By+Bproj*Bproj)") DefineScalarExpression("Q", "fact*(By*By-Bproj*Bproj)") DefineScalarExpression("U", "2.*fact*Bproj*By") #get data extents AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "rho", 1, 0) DrawPlots() SetQueryFloatFormat("%g") Query("SpatialExtents") xmax=float(GetQueryOutputValue()[1]) #ymax=GetQueryOutputValue()[3] #zmax=GetQueryOutputValue()[5] print xmax intcells=int( float(xcells)*(ylim[1]-ylim[0])/float(xmax) ) DeleteActivePlots() #lineout initialize AddPlot("Curve", "operators/Lineout/I", 1, 0) DrawPlots() LineoutAtts = LineoutAttributes() LineoutAtts.point1 = (0., 0., 32.) LineoutAtts.point2 = (xmax, 0., 32.) LineoutAtts.interactive = 0 LineoutAtts.ignoreGlobal = 0 LineoutAtts.samplingOn = 0 LineoutAtts.numberOfSamplePoints = 10 LineoutAtts.reflineLabels = 0 LineoutAtts.interactive = 1 LineoutAtts.numberOfSamplePoints = intcells #initial IO lines=pix[0]*pix[1] filename='/scratch/bliu17/Laurence/run_dir_3d_mhd/polarMaps/'+hoy+'pol.okc' f = open(filename, 'w+') print f.write("%g %g %g\n" % (6,lines,6)) print f.write("x\ny\nz\npolx\npoly\npolz\n") print f.write("%g %g %g \n" % (ylim[0],float(1+pix[0])*dy, 10)) print f.write("%g %g %g \n" % (zlim[0],float(1+pix[1])*dz, 10)) print f.write("%g %g %g \n" % (0.,0.00, 10)) print f.write("%g %g %g \n" % (0.,0.75, 10)) print f.write("%g %g %g \n" % (0.,0.75, 10)) print f.write("%g %g %g \n" % (0.,0.00, 10)) #compute (integral in z) yshift=.5*s*(zlim[1]-zlim[0]) x=xlim[0] while x<=xlim[1]: print str(int(98.*(x-xlim[0])/(xlim[1]-xlim[0])))+'%' if mode == MODE25D: #update expressions for integral calculations DefineScalarExpression("I","2*fact*( (Bz*sqrt(x^2-"+str(x)+"^2)/x)^2+By^2) * x/sqrt(x^2-"+str(x)+"^2)") DefineScalarExpression("Q","2*fact*( (Bz*sqrt(x^2-"+str(x)+"^2)/x)^2-By^2) * x/sqrt(x^2-"+str(x)+"^2)") DefineScalarExpression("U","2*2.*fact*By*Bz") y=ylim[0] while y<=ylim[1]: if mode == MODE25D: #update expressions for integral calculations LineoutAtts.point1 = (x,y,0) LineoutAtts.point2 = (xlim[1],y+dz,0) elsif mode == MODE3D: LineoutAtts.point1 = (x,y-yshift,zlim[0]) LineoutAtts.point2 = (x,y+yshift,zlim[1]) SetOperatorOptions(LineoutAtts, 0) #I ChangeActivePlotsVar("I") Query("Integrate") I0 = GetQueryOutputValue()/float(intcells) #Q ChangeActivePlotsVar("Q") Query("Integrate") Q0 = 0.75*GetQueryOutputValue()/float(intcells) #U ChangeActivePlotsVar("U") Query("Integrate") U0 = 0.75*GetQueryOutputValue()/float(intcells) if I0 != 0.: degree=( math.sqrt(math.pow(U0,2.) + math.pow(Q0,2.))/I0 ) if Q0 != 0.: psi=0.5*(math.atan(U0/Q0)+0.*math.pi) f.write("%g %g %g %g %g %g\n" % (x,y,z,degree*math.sin(psi), degree*math.cos(psi),0.)) y=y+dy x=x+dx f.close() stop = time.time() print '\n%3.1f min \n' % float((stop-start)/60.) print 'Done!, the xmdv file is called '+filename+'\n' #os.system('say "Your calculation is done"')
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