| 1 | Goal is to integrate various functions along lines of sight which is constrained to be in the y-z plane. |
| 2 | |
| 3 | $\int f(B_\perp(s), B_x(s)) ds$ |
| 4 | |
| 5 | $B_\perp(s) = B_y(s) \cos(\theta) + B_z(s) \sin(\theta)$ |
| 6 | |
| 7 | |
| 8 | Each pixel will be given by the integral of the function along the path |
| 9 | |
| 10 | $s = x_i, y_i+s \sin(\theta), z_i+s \cos(\theta)$ |
| 11 | |
| 12 | where $\delta y = \cos(\theta) \delta x$ and $\delta z =\sin(\theta) \delta x$ |
| 13 | |
| 14 | |
| 15 | For 3D we just need to create the expressions in visit, create the expressions and the lineouts, and then integrate the resulting query |
| 16 | |
| 17 | |
| 18 | For 2.5D, we need to transform the integral along $s$ into an integral in the $xy$ plane. |
| 19 | |
| 20 | |
| 21 | |
| 22 | |
| 23 | |
| 24 | |
| 25 | Assume jet is oriented along $y$ and that we are integrating along the direction $(0, sin(\theta), cos(\theta))$ |
| 26 | |
| 27 | where $\theta$ is the angle of inclination. |
| 28 | |
| 29 | We are interested in calculating the integral of $B_p^2$, $B_x^2$, and $B_xB_p$ where $B_p = cos(\theta)By + sin(\theta)Bz$ |
| 30 | |
| 31 | If $\theta = 0$ this is just $\int B_y^2 dz$, $\int B_x^2 dz$, and $\int B_x B_y dz$ |
| 32 | |
| 33 | If $\theta /= 0$ then we have to tilt the integral and calculate $B_p$ using the expression above. |
| 34 | |
| 35 | |
| 36 | |
| 37 | |
| 38 | |
| 39 | |
45 | | DefineScalarExpression("Bproj", "Bz*cos(angjet)+Bx*sin(angjet)") |
46 | | DefineScalarExpression("I", "fact*(By*By+Bproj*Bproj)") |
47 | | DefineScalarExpression("Q", "fact*(By*By-Bproj*Bproj)") |
48 | | DefineScalarExpression("U", "2.*fact*Bproj*By") |
| 86 | DefineScalarExpression("Bproj", "By*cos(angjet)+Bz*sin(angjet)") |
| 87 | DefineScalarExpression("I", "fact*(Bx^2+Bproj^2)") |
| 88 | DefineScalarExpression("Q", "fact*(Bx^2-Bproj^2)") |
| 89 | DefineScalarExpression("U", "2.*fact*Bproj*Bx") |
| 90 | else if mode == MODE25D |
| 91 | DefineScalarExpression("xp", "1.0") |
| 92 | DefineScalarExpression("Bzz", "Bz*xp/x") |
| 93 | DefineScalarExpression("Bxx", Bz*sqrt(x^2-xp^2)/x") |
| 94 | DefineScalarExpression("Bproj", "By*cos(angjet)+Bzz*sin(angjet)") |
| 95 | DefineScalarExpression("dzdx", "x/sqrt(x^2-xp^2)") |
| 96 | DefineScalarExpression("I","2*fact*( Bxx^2+Bproj^2) * dzdx") |
| 97 | DefineScalarExpression("Q","2*fact*( (Bxx^2-Bproj^2)*dxdz") |
| 98 | DefineScalarExpression("U","2*2.*fact*Bxx*Bproj") |