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Writing Modules in AstroBEAR 2.0
AstroBEAR problem modules are stored in the modules
directory. Each problem module gets its own directory; when compiling the code, the user creates a symbolic link Problem
to the appropriate directory. For more information about setting up a problem directory, see Setting up and Compiling A Problem for more details.
The contents of the problem directory are up to the author, but at least one file must be present: problem.f90
. This is the source file that contains the routines referenced by module_control.f90
. The tutorial below is basically a discussion of how to fill this module out.
When a problem directory is checked into AstroBEAR, it is usually checked in with a number of .data
files. From the standpoint of this tutorial, the most important is
. This is where all of the user-defined variables are stored; these are typically read in by the ProblemModuleInit()
routine in problem.f90
Throughout this page we will be using the following convention: the new module file you are creating is called problem.f90
. We will be also be assuming that the user is working in the $(ASTROBEAR)/modules
Creating a New Module In AstroBEAR
This creates a module file and makes sure that AstroBEAR can link to it. The actual writing of the module and defining its interfaces is a separate process described below.
Note that these instructions assume that you are in modules
- Create a new Directory
- Create a symbolic link to this file with the command
ln -s NewModule Problem
. Note, that if theProblem
symbolic link already exists, you may have to first remove it and then make it anew.
- Create a file
. This is the Fortran 90 file where your code will be.
Integrating your Module Into AstroBEAR
Each problem module contains six main subroutines that are required in order for the module to interface with the the AMR engine. These subroutines are listed below.
The basics of writing these modules will be explained below under "Module Basics."
The six subroutines can be split into two groups
Those that modify an individual AMR patch
Note these may get called multiple times on a given processor or not at all depending on how patches are distributed among the processors. The only assignment statements should be for variables local to each subroutine or the fluid data belonging to the info patch. Do not modify module variables or global variables within these subroutines.
- ProblemGridInit(Info): This is where you initialize the data arrays. Remember that this routine is getting called on a grid-by-grid basis, so attempts to initialize data outside this grid will probably cause a segfault. For an example routine see ProblemGridInit
- ProblemBeforeStep(Info): The before-step subroutine. This procedure is called before each time-step of the simulation, so that the driving mechanisms specified by the user can be reapplied at each step. For example, a jet simulation would inject new material into the system during
. Note that no integration occurs during this step; this is just where new conditions are introduced (and sometimes renewed). If you have no special pre-step needs, then leave this routine as a stub. - ProblemAfterStep(Info): The after-step subroutine. This procedure is called following each time step of a system. This is perhaps the least commonly used of the control subroutines, but divergence cleaning, special output files, and other post-processing operations could be performed here. If you have no special post-step instructions, then just leave this routine as a stub.
- ProblemSetErrFlag(Info): Flags regions where this module requires additional resolution. If you do not have any special refinement needs, then just leave this routine as a stub.
And those that get called on by every processor at certain times.
Note here you can adjust module variables or modify the properties of Objects. You can also add global communication here if you desire though this is usually not necessary.
- ProblemModuleInit(): Module variables are initialized here. This routine is where
are read in and module-level namelists are populated and is called once per processor at the start (or restart) of a simulation.ProblemModuleInit()
is also a popular place to put sanity checks that verify the correctness of all inputs.ProblemModuleInit()
is also a common place to initialize source terms. - ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(level): This is called by every processor one per step per AMR level. If you need to modify variables other than the grid data - this is the correct place to do so. If you are using threading however - you should only modify variables between root steps (when level == 0).
Here is the bare minimum problem module
MODULE Problem IMPLICIT NONE SAVE PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, ProblemBeforeStep, & ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep PRIVATE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit() END SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n) INTEGER :: n END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep END MODULE Problem
AstroBEAR Module Basics
Simulation Data
All AstroBEAR modules have at least one thing in common: initializing the problem domain. Within our code, the problem domain's data is held in InfoDef
structures, which is why so many module subroutines take an InfoDef
structure as a parameter. To make use of the InfoDef
structure, the following statement is required at the beginning of problem.f90
USE DataDeclarations
Anything that is defined in the InfoDef
type is now available. For example, q
need not be defined…just reference it by Info%q
There are two major data arrays in InfoDef
: the q
array and the aux
array. q
holds the volume averaged data and is used by all AstroBEAR simulations while aux
holds face averaged data and is used only for MHD when nDim > 1. Note that volume averaged data and cell-centered data are often used interchangeably, but there is an important distinction. Take for instance a simple function f(x) defined on the interval [0:h]. The average of f(x) over the interval is
where the cell centered value is
so the cell centered value is second order accurate for the volume average and usually is a quick way to estimate the volume average. However if the function has large 2nd derivatives (or higher) this can lead to large errors in the volume average. This is often apparent when modeling discontinuities along curved boundaries. There are two ways to handle this problem:
- Introduce smoothing to the physical model to remove large 2nd and higher derivatives
- Better approximate the volume average either by
- Analytical integration (often non-trivial if possible)
- Numerical integration (ie SubSampling)
The q
array takes the form q(x,y,z,variable)
where variable
is an index that refers to the various physical quantities such as density, momentum, energy, etc. in each cell. The order of the quantities in the variable
array is dependent on the equation of state, whether or not magnetic fields are being tracked, etc… For 2D hydro (non MHD) the order of the fields is (rho, px, py, E)
. So if we wanted to set the energy of the cell at integer location i,j,k
we would use
Info%q(i,j,k,4) = 1.0
However if we were to change the number of dimensions from 2 to 3, then the order of the fields would be rho, px, py, pz, E
and the above statement would not set the energy, but the z momentum to 1.0 and leave the energy unchanged. The solution is to avoid using integer constants for the 4th array index and instead use integer variables that are adjusted based on the equations of state, number of dimensions, etc… These variables are declared in PhysicsDeclarations
so we need to also add
USE PhysicsDeclarations
to the top of our module. Then we can set the energy of cell i,j,k
regardless of the specifics of our problem by using
Info%q(i,j,k,iE) = 1.0
Also, if we happen to be using an isothermal equation of state, then the energy is no longer stored within the q array and the value of iE is set to 0 to indicate this. So it is generally a good idea to check the value of iE as follows
IF (iE /= 0) Info%q(i,j,k,iE)=1.0
Additional variables used to store slots are:
- irho - density (always non-zero)
- ivx - x momentum (always non-zero)
- ivy - y momentum (non-zero unless 2D, 3D, MHD)
- ivz - z momentum (non-zero unless 3D, MHD)
- iE - Energy (non-zero unless isothermal EOS)
- iBx - x magnetic field (non-zero unless MHD)
- iBy - y magnetic field (non-zero unless MHD)
- iBz - z magnetic field (non-zero unless MHD)
There are also two arrays that are sometimes useful as well
- iB(1:3) = (/iBx, iBy, iBz/)
- imom(1:3) = (/ivx, ivy, ivz/)
The aux
array holds face-centered data, and is only used in MHD problems. If you are running a strictly hydrodynamic problem or a hydrodynamic + elliptic problem, then you will not need aux
The number of cells in the x, y, & z direction for the core region of each Info structure is stored in the array
and often one will declare local variables mx, my, & mz
to avoid repeatedly having to type Info%mx(d).
mx=Info%mX(1) my=Info%mX(2) mz=Info%mX(3)
The data within this core region (which does not include ghost zones) is stored in Info%q(1:mx,1:my,1:mz,1:NrHydroVars)
where NrHydroVars
represents the number of fluid variables including tracers. If running with fewer than 3 dimensions, the unused dimensions have an extent of 1.
Before we can initialize a cell we must calculate it's physical location and extent. To do so we need to know the cell size for the Info's AMR level. The properties of each level are stored in the levels(:)
array. To access this data we must use the GlobalDeclarations
module by adding the following to our module at the top.
USE GlobalDeclarations
Then to access properties of level n
- for example the current time that level has advanced to we would use levels(n)%tnow
. If we wanted to now the current time step for level n
we could use levels(n)%dt
. And to access the cell size for level n
we could use levels(n)%dx
. Since the level a given info structure resides on is stored in Info%level
, the cell size is given by levels(Info%level)%dx
. So to get the x-position of the center of a cell with x-index i
we could use
xlower=Info%xBounds(1,1) dx=levels(Info%level)%dx x=xlower+(REAL(i)-.5)*dx
Note we subtract 0.5 from the index before multiplying by the spacing since we are calculating the cell center. And that the cell actually goes from x-.5*dx
to x+.5*dx
. Also note that we convert the integer to a real before subtracting .5. And if we want to calculate x,y,z
we could use
xlower=Info%xBounds(1,1) dx=levels(Info%level)%dx x=xlower + (REAL(i)-.5)*dx y=ylower + (REAL(j)-.5) * dx z=zlower + (REAL(k)-.5) * dx IF (nDim < 2) y=ylower IF (nDim < 3) z=zlower
The last two lines are necessary since we don't want to add .5 to the y or z dimensions if we are only in 1D or 2D. We could also streamline this using the Fortran MERGE
function and storing (/x,y,z/)
in an array pos(:)
pos=Info%xBounds(:,1)+merge((REAL((/i,j,k/))-.5)*dx, (/0d0,0d0,0d0/), nDim < (/1,2,3/))
Finally since the precision of the various info fields related to spatial position is a parameter xPrec
(could be single or double), some compilers will complain unless you convert (/i,j,k/
as well as .5 to the right kind of REAL.
pos=Info%xBounds(:,1)+merge((REAL((/i,j,k/),KIND=xPREC)-half)*dx, (/0d0,0d0,0d0/), nDim < (/1,2,3/))
Note that the variable half
is a parameter equal to REAL(.5, KIND=xPREC)
declared in GlobalDeclarations
Finally there is a function already called CellPos that does the same calculation which makes life much easier.
pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k)
The Info%aux
array is a little different. The aux
array holds magnetic flux values, which are face-averaged. This means that every volume averaged value in Info%q
is bracketed in each dimension by two Info%aux
values. To accommodate the extra values, Info%aux
is a 1:mx+1
by 1:my+1
by 1:mz+1
box, but the aux
dimensions are actually different for each variable:
Bx = Info%aux(1:mx+1, 1:my, 1:mz, 1) By = Info%aux(1:mx, 1:my+1, 1:mz, 2) Bz = Info%aux(1:mx, 1:my, 1:mz+1, 3)
The additional cells (the ones in the "upper-front right" corner of the aux
array) are not used. To locate the center of the face for the Bx fields, we would subtract half*dx
from the cell center.
x_pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k)-(/half,0d0,0d0/)
and for By and Bz we could use
y_pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k)-(/0d0,half,0d0/) z_pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k)-(/0d0,0d0,half/)
Units and Scaling
Astrophysical problems involve many different physical units and constants with a wide range of scales. To avoid overflow or underflow - we scale our units into computational units before storing them in the data arrays. Note with double precision this would be quite rare - but it still convenient to work within physical units appropriate to the problem.
Usually, the physical scales are defined by a few parameters in the file —you simply enter the scales for density, temperature, velocity, etc in cgs units, and AstroBEAR will read them in. Note that nScale is in cm{-3} and TempScale is in Kelvin. When the code runs it will calculate other scales such as the computational time scale, mass scale, magnetic field scale, and so on which are then dumped to a file in your run directory. All of those units will be in cgs with the magnetic field scale in gauss. It is often useful to know the computational time scale before running your job as this will affect the final time specified in The computational time scale can be calculated as follows:
- tScale=lScale / (pScale/rScale)½
where you may have to first derive
- rScale=Xmu*amu*nScale
- pScale=nScale*kB*TempScale
You have two options for making sure that you only put scaled quantities in the data arrays: you can scale your input values before you enter them into your input file (and then assume that you are reading in scaled quantities), or you can use physical quantities in your input files and then scale them within your problem module:
scaled_qty = physical_qty / physical_scale
Either way, a good sanity check is to print out the physical quantities your program uses after the problem is set up. This verifies that the values you think are going in are the values that are actually getting used.
Initializing a Grid / Updating boundary conditions
Initializing a grid involves taking a spatially-constructed problem setup and discretizing it so that it fits nicely in an array. This process is easiest to explain by dissecting an example, such as the one below, where we are trying to initialize the grid with a uniform background (density = 1, pressure = 1) and an overdense spherical clump centered at the origin with radius 1. We then want to add a constant wind of density 1, pressure 1, and velocity 10 coming from the left boundary.
SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info INTEGER :: i,j,k REAL(KIND=xPREC) :: pos(3) ! Initialize background Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), 1)=1d0 Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivx)=0d0 IF (ivy /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivy)=0d0 IF (ivz /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivz)=0d0 IF (iE /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), iE)=gamma7 ! Increase density for points inside of clump DO i=1, Info%mX(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3) pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k) IF (sqrt(sum(pos**2)) < 1d0) THEN Info%q(i,j,k,irho) = 10d0 END IF END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info INTEGER :: i,j,k, mbc(3) REAL(KIND=xPREC) :: pos(3) !determine number of ghost zones for each dimension mbc=levels(Info%level)%gmbc(levels(Info%level)%step)*merge((/1,1,1/),(/0,0,0/),nDim>=(/1,2,3/)) ! Initialize wind in leftmost boundary DO i=1-mbc(1), Info%mX(1)+mbc(1) DO j=1-mbc(2), Info%mX(2)+mbc(2) DO k=1-mbc(3), Info%mX(3)+mbc(3) pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k) IF (pos(1) < GxBounds(1,1)) THEN Info%q(i,j,k,irho) = 1d0 Info%q(i,j,k,ivx)=10d0 IF (iE /= 0) Info%q(i,j,k, iE)=gamma7+50d0 IF (ivy /= 0) Info%q(i,j,k, ivy)=0d0 IF (ivz /= 0) Info%q(i,j,k, ivz)=0d0 END IF END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE
- Note that during the ProblemGridInit routine, ghost zones do not need to be initialized - but that in ProblemBeforeStep we need to update any ghost zones.
- Also note that all of our checks like (ivy /= 0) make our module "dimension safe" so it can run in 1D, 2D, or 3D and that it could run with an isothermal or ideal EOS.
Now let's say we want to be able to adjust the density of the clump, the radius of the clump, and the wind velocity at run-time. To do this we need to declare three variables within our module..
MODULE Problem USE GlobalDeclarations USE PhysicsDeclarations USE DataDeclarations IMPLICIT NONE SAVE PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, ProblemBeforeStep, & ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep PRIVATE REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rho, radius, velocity CONTAINS SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit() NAMELIST/ProblemData/ rho, radius, velocity OPEN(UNIT=PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, FILE='', STATUS="OLD") READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=ProblemData) CLOSE(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE) END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info INTEGER :: i,j,k REAL(KIND=xPREC) :: pos(3) ! Initialize background Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), 1)=1d0 Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivx)=0d0 IF (ivy /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivy)=0d0 IF (ivz /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivz)=0d0 IF (iE /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), iE)=gamma7 ! Increase density for points inside of clump DO i=1, Info%mX(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3) pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k) IF (sqrt(sum(pos**2)) < radius) THEN Info%q(i,j,k,irho) = rho END IF END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info INTEGER :: i,j,k, mbc(3) REAL(KIND=xPREC) :: pos(3) !determine number of ghost zones for each dimension mbc=levels(Info%level)%gmbc(levels(Info%level)%step)*merge((/1,1,1/),(/0,0,0/),nDim>=(/1,2,3/)) ! Initialize wind in leftmost boundary DO i=1-mbc(1), Info%mX(1)+mbc(1) DO j=1-mbc(2), Info%mX(2)+mbc(2) DO k=1-mbc(3), Info%mX(3)+mbc(3) pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k) IF (pos(1) < GxBounds(1,1)) THEN Info%q(i,j,k,irho) = 1d0 Info%q(i,j,k,ivx)=velocity IF (iE /= 0) Info%q(i,j,k, iE)=gamma7+half*velocity**2 IF (ivy /= 0) Info%q(i,j,k, ivy)=0d0 IF (ivz /= 0) Info%q(i,j,k, ivz)=0d0 END IF END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n) INTEGER :: n END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep END MODULE
There are a lot of other ways we could modify this simple example to have the clump be located anywhere, to have a density profile that is smoothed at the edge, to be a different temperature, or move with a particular velocity, etc… Fortunately, clumps are a commonly used object (as are uniform backgrounds and winds) and there are modules designed to assist users in easily creating clumps, uniform backgrounds, and winds. For example the above module could be rewritten using an Ambient Object, a Clump Object, and a Wind Object.
MODULE Problem USE GlobalDeclarations USE DataDeclarations USE Clumps USE Ambients USE Winds IMPLICIT NONE SAVE PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, ProblemBeforeStep, & ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep PRIVATE REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rho, radius, velocity CONTAINS SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit() TYPE(AmbientDef), POINTER :: Ambient TYPE(ClumpDef), POINTER :: Clump TYPE(WindDef), POINTER :: Wind NAMELIST/ProblemData/ rho, radius OPEN(UNIT=PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, FILE='', STATUS="OLD") READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=ProblemData) CLOSE(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE) CALL CreateAmbient(Ambient) CALL CreateClump(Clump) Clump%density=rho Clump%radius=radius CALL UpdateClump(Clump) CALL CreateWind(Wind) Wind%velocity=velocity CALL UpdateWind(Wind) END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n) INTEGER :: n END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep END MODULE
So what is going on here?
- First we've added USE statements for the Clumps and Ambients modules.
- Then in our ProblemModuleInit() routine we've declared an AmbientDef, a ClumpDef, and a WindDef object pointer which we initialize in calls to CreateAmbient, CreateClump, and CreateWind respectively.
- We leave the ambient default properties alone (density = 1, pressure = 1, etc…) which sets the entire grid to be at a density of 1 and pressure of 1.
- We modify a few clump properties (density, and radius) before updating the clump object.
- And finally we set the wind velocity before updating the wind object.
And we're done. We don't have to worry about dx or mx or cell positions, or the number of ghost zones etc… All of that detailed work is done for us. It is important to note that the order that objects are created is the same order they are placed on the grid. So had we created the clump object first - the clump data would have been overwritten by the ambient module and there would be no clump.
If we want to get more complicated - we can modify other clump/wind/ambient attributes. All of the available (and default) options for the various objects should be documented on the AstroBearObjects page.
To try the problem module we just built, we can copy the data files from $(ASTROBEAR)/modules/Template
directory to the current problem directory $(ASTROBEAR)/modules/Problem
and add these three lines to
&ProblemData rho = 10.0 radius = 1.0 velocity = 10.0 /
If we follow the procedure Setting up and Compiling A Problem to try to compile and run our new problem module. If you set the dimensions and final time in as
nDim = 2 ! number of dimensions for this problem (1-3) GmX = 30,30,1 ! Base grid resolution [x,y,z] MaxLevel = 0 ! Maximum level for this simulation (0 is fixed grid)
final_time = 15d-1 ! The final time in computational units. final_frame = 20 ! The final frame [10]
and follow First Run to run it. Following Chapter 2 to use VisIT to analyze the results, we can get a movie like this ClumpMovie
Flagging Cells for Refinement
Some modules may need specific regions refined, regardless of whether or not there is any obvious gradients etc. AstroBEAR flags cells for refinement using the array
To clear the cell at (i,j,k)
, simply set Info%ErrFlag(i,j,k)
to 0. An error flag of 0 means that the cell does not need to be refined. This is in general, not a good idea since a previous routine might have already flagged that cell for refinement with good reason. To mark a cell for refinement, set Info%ErrFlag(i,j,k)
to 1. The place to do this is in the ProblemSetErrFlag()
routine; most conventional physical criteria for refinement are already handled by AstroBEAR itself. For more information see ControllingRefinement for more information as well as ProblemSetErrFlag for an example of how to use this subroutine.
A few notes on magnetic aux fields
Aux fields are particularly difficult to work with - and if initialized improperly (either form a non-divergenceless physical model or from 2nd order errors due to estimating face averages with face-centered values) will produce a probably small but not insignificant divergence that will stick around for the course of the simulation. The easiest way to avoid divergence in your B-fields is to first calculate the vector potential and then to take the curl discretely. In 2D, this means calculating the value of the vector potential at cell corners (which only has a z-component)- and then differencing them in y to get Bx and differencing them in x to get -By. In 3D, the vector potential should be averaged along each edge of the component parallel to that edge. For example Ax should be averaged along each edge that is parallel to the x-axis. The 2nd order errors due to estimating the average value along an edge by the midpoint will not produce divergence in the resulting B-field.
Let's suppose in we want to initialize the grid with a B-field By=sin(x). Well the vector potential would just be Az=cos(x) and our ProblemGridInit routine would look like:
SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info) TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info INTEGER :: i,j,k REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: pos(3), dx dx = levels(Info%level)%dx IF (MaintainAuxArrays) THEN Info%aux(1:Info%mX(1)+1,1:Info%mX(2), 1:Info%mX(3), 1)=0d0 IF (nDim == 3) Info%aux(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2), 1:Info%mX(3)+1, 3)=0d0 DO i=1, Info%mX(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2)+1 DO k=1, Info%mX(3) pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k) Info%aux(i,j,k,2)=(cos(pos(1)+half*dx)-cos(pos(1)-half*dx))/dx END DO END DO END DO DO i=1, Info%mX(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3) Info%q(i,j,k,iBx)=0d0 Info%q(i,j,k,iBy)=half*(Info%aux(i,j,k,2)+Info%aux(i,j+1,k,2)) Info%q(i,j,k,iBz)=0d0 Info%q(i,j,k,iE)=gamma7+half*Info%q(i,j,k,iBy)**2 END DO END DO END DO ELSE DO i=1, Info%mX(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3) pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k) Info%q(i,j,k,iBx)=0d0 Info%q(i,j,k,iBy)=sin((pos(1)) Info%q(i,j,k,iBz)=0d0 END DO END DO END DO END IF END SUBROUTINE
- Note that if
is false then we don't have to worry about aux fields and we can just initialize the q values with volume averaged (or cell-centered). Currently this only happens in 1D. - If
is true then we must initialize all of Info%aux surrounding the core region. So first we set the Bx and Bz aux fields to zero. - Next we iterate over each y-face (notice the +1 in the upper j bound) and take the discrete derivative of the vector potential at the adjacent corners at +- half*dx
- We then go through and update the cell centered values for the B field using the average of the two adjacent faces - and then we update the total energy to include the magnetic contribution.
Writing a problem module can be extremely complicated, but for first time users writing relatively simple modules, here are a few helpful tips:
- Understand what the six main subroutines are for, especially
- Know which variables come with
, andPhysicsDeclarations
and which variables must be defined inproblem.f90
- Understand the form of the
array, and also theaux
array if using MHD - Make sure data is scaled so that only computational units are stored in the data arrays
- Since it is often useful to write a module that can run in 2D or 3D, pay close attention to how
affects variables