Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of ModulesOnAstroBear

07/12/11 19:40:53 (14 years ago)


  • ModulesOnAstroBear

    v14 v15  
    5050=== AstroBEAR Module Basics ===
     53==== Simulation Data ====
     55All AstroBEAR modules have at least one thing in common: initializing the problem domain.  Within our code, the problem domain's data is held in {{{InfoDef}}} structures, which is why so many module subroutines take an {{{InfoDef}}} structure as a parameter.
     57There are two major data arrays in {{{InfoDef}}}: the {{{q}}} array and the {{{aux}}} array.  {{{q}}} holds the cell-centered data and is used by all AstroBEAR simulations.  The {{{q}}} array takes the form {{{q(x,y,z,variable)}}} where {{{variable}}} is itself a 1D array that holds the physical quantities such as density, momentum, energy, etc. The order of the quantities in the {{{variable}}} array is {{{(rho, px, py, pz, E)}}}. The {{{aux}}} array holds face-centered data, and is only used in MHD problems.  If you are running a strictly hydrodynamic problem or a hydrodynamic + elliptic problem, then you will not need {{{aux}}}.
     60==== Dimensions ====
     62Currently, AstroBEAR can only run 2D and 3D problems, but a 1D hydro or MHD problem can be simulated by defining a very narrow 2D problem domain and then making sure all the activity is defined in the x-direction (i.e., no {{{py}}} or {{{pz}}} components).
     64The ''core'' region of the {{{Info%q}}} array (which does not include ghost zones) is a {{{1:mx}}} by {{{1:my}}} by {{{1:mz}}} box. Mx, my, and mz denote the number of cells in the x, y, and z directions, respectively.  In two dimensions, {{{mz}}} = 1, reducing the box to a rectangle.  {{{Info%q}}} is cell-centered, so the values are assumed to be taken from the midpoint of the cell.  Thus, the cell-to-space conversion is:
     67x=(xlower + (REAL(i,xPrec)-half) * dx)
     68y=(ylower + (REAL(j,xPrec)-half) * dy)
     69z=(zlower + (REAL(k,xPrec)-half) * dz)
     73The {{{Info%aux}}} array is a little different.  The {{{aux}}} array holds magnetic flux values, which are face-centered.  This means that every cell-centered value in {{{Info%q}}} is bracked in each dimension by two {{{Info%aux}}} values.  To accommodate the extra values, {{{Info%aux}}} is a {{{1:mx+1}}} by {{{1:my+1}}} by {{{1:mz+1}}} box, but the {{{aux}}} dimensions are actually different for each variable:
     76Bx = Info%aux(1:mx+1, 1:my, 1:mz, 1)
     77By = Info%aux(1:mx, 1:my+1, 1:mz, 2)
     78Bz = Info%aux(1:mx, 1:my, 1:mz+1, 3)
     81The additional cells (the ones in the "upper-front right" corner of the {{{aux}}} array) are not used.
     85==== Units and Scaling ====
     87Astrophysical problems involve many different physical units and constants with a wide range of scales.  To avoid the loss of precision that comes when computers try to work with, say, a 10^-8^ variable and a 10^24^ constant in the same expression, we scale our units into ''computational units'' before storing them in the data arrays.
     89Usually, the physical scales are defined in the [PhysicsDataExplained] file--you simply enter the scales for density, temperature, velocity, etc in that file, and AstroBEAR will read them in. More complicated scaling would be defined in the {{{ProblemModuleInit()}}} routine (see above).
     91You have two options for making sure that you only put scaled quantities in the data arrays: you can scale your input values before you enter them into your input file (and then assume that you are reading in scaled quantities), or you can use physical quantities in your input files and then scale them within your problem module:
     94scaled_qty = physical_qty / physical_scale
     97Either way, a good sanity check is to print out the physical quantities your program uses after the problem is set up.  This verifies that the values you think are going in are the values that are actually getting used.
     101==== Initializing a Grid ====
     103Initializing a grid  involves taking a spatially-constructed problem setup and discretizing it so that it fits nicely in an array.  This process is easiest to explain by dissecting an example, such as the one below, where we are trying to initialize the grid with a density distribution given by {{{rho(x,y,z)}}}:
     105Note that during the !ProblemGridInit routine, ghost zones do not need to be initialized (rmbc = 0) - however - during beforestep calculations they should be
     108    q=>Info%q
     110    rmbc=levels(Info%level)%gmbc(levels(Info%level)%step)
     112    mx=Info%mX(1); dx=Info%dX(1); xlower=Info%Xlower(1)
     113    my=Info%mX(2); dy=Info%dX(2); ylower=Info%Xlower(2)
     114    mz=Info%mX(3); dz=Info%dX(3); zlower=Info%Xlower(3)
     116    SELECT CASE(nDim)
     117    CASE(2)
     118       zrmbc=0;mz=1;zl=0;dz=0
     119    CASE(3)
     120       zrmbc=rmbc
     121    END SELECT
     123    ! Initialize environment
     124    DO k=1-zrmbc, mz+zrmbc
     125        DO j=1-rmbc, my+rmbc
     126            DO i=1-rmbc, mx+rmbc
     128                x=(xlower + (REAL(i,xPrec)-half) * dx)
     129                y=(ylower + (REAL(j,xPrec)-half) * dy)
     130                z=(zlower + (REAL(k,xPrec)-half) * dz)
     132                q(i,j,k) = rho(x,y,z)
     133            END DO
     134        END DO
     135    END DO
     138Each grid (or {{{InfoDef}}} structure) comes with several arrays that describe its geometry:
     140 * '''''mX(3)''''':  The grid's overall size.  Each element {{{mx(n)}}} represents the number of cells along the ''n''th dimension.
     141 * '''''Xlower(3)''''':  The spatial coordinates of the grid's lower bound in each dimension.  These values are ''always'' given in computational units.
     142 * '''''dX(3)''''':  The size of a spatial step in a given dimension.  {{{dX(n)}}} can also be thought of as the size of a cell along dimension ''n''.
     144To make this example more readable (and therefore easier to debug), we assigned the various array values more Cartesian-sounding names (ie., {{{Info%dX(2) = dy}}}).
     146Similarly, when calculating the spatial equivalents of an index, we went with {{{x}}}, {{{y}}} and {{{z}}}.  The half-step in the position calculations represents the fact that the spatial position is at the ''center'' of the cell, not the left side.
     148The check on the number of dimensions makes sure that 2D problem does not accidentally get initialized with ghost cells (see below) or a spatial step.  This allows us to use the same initialization code for 2D or 3D problems.
     150The {{{levels()}}} array is a global array structures that contain information specific to each level.  You can see in this example that we reference the appropriate level by using the {{{Info%level}}} attribute.
     152You may have noticed the nested loops don't go from {{{1}}} to {{{mX(n)}}}.  This is because the data array size is not the same as the grid size.  The size of each grid along dimension ''n'' is {{{mX(n)}}}.  The ''data arrays'', however, have a number of "ghost cells" associated with them.  The number of ghost cells on the end of a grid is given by the quantity
     155levels(Info%level)%CoarsenRatio * levels(Info%level)%gmbc
     158These ghost cells only appear along the dimensions of the problem, though, so the data arrays for a 2D problem will not have ghost cells along the third dimension.  So the real extents of the data arrays in a 3D problem are:
     161Info%q(1 - rmbc : mX(1) + rmbc, &
     162       1 - rmbc : mX(2) + rmbc, &
     163       1 - rmbc : mX(3) + rmbc, &
     164       NrVars)
     168Info%aux(1 - rmbc : mX(1) + rmbc + 1, &
     169         1 - rmbc : mX(2) + rmbc + 1, &
     170         1 - rmbc : mX(3) + rmbc + 1, &
     171         NrVars)
     176==== Flagging Cells for Refinement ====
     181Some modules may need specific regions refined, regardless of whether or not there is any obvious error there.  AstroBEAR flags cells for refinement using the array
     184Info%ErrorFlags(1 - rmbc : mX(1) + rmbc, &
     185                1 - rmbc : mX(2) + rmbc, &
     186                1 - rmbc : mX(2) + rmbc, &
     187                NrVars)
     190To clear the cell at {{{(i,j,k)}}}, simply set {{{Info%ErrorFlags(i,j,k)}}} to 0.  An error flag of 0 means that the cell does not ''need'' to be refined (although it might happen anyway).  To mark a cell for refinement, set {{{Info%ErrorFlags(i,j,k)}}} to 1.  The best place to do this is in the {{{ProblemSetErrFlags()}}} routine; most conventional physical criteria for refinement are already handled by AstroBEAR itself.
     194==== Sample Module ====
    61205USE PhysicsDeclarations
    63 }}}
    65 ==== Simulation Data ====
    67 All AstroBEAR modules have at least one thing in common: initializing the problem domain.  Within our code, the problem domain's data is held in {{{InfoDef}}} structures, which is why so many module subroutines take an {{{InfoDef}}} structure as a parameter.
    69 There are two major data arrays in {{{InfoDef}}}: the {{{q}}} array and the {{{aux}}} array.  {{{q}}} holds the cell-centered data and is used by all AstroBEAR simulations.  The {{{q}}} array takes the form {{{q(x,y,z,variable)}}} where {{{variable}}} is itself a 1D array that holds the physical quantities such as density, momentum, energy, etc. The order of the quantities in the {{{variable}}} array is {{{(rho, px, py, pz, E)}}}. The {{{aux}}} array holds face-centered data, and is only used in MHD problems.  If you are running a strictly hydrodynamic problem or a hydrodynamic + elliptic problem, then you will not need {{{aux}}}.
    71 [[BR]]
    72 ==== Dimensions ====
    74 Currently, AstroBEAR can only run 2D and 3D problems, but a 1D hydro or MHD problem can be simulated by defining a very narrow 2D problem domain and then making sure all the activity is defined in the x-direction (i.e., no {{{py}}} or {{{pz}}} components).
    76 The ''core'' region of the {{{Info%q}}} array (which does not include ghost zones) is a {{{1:mx}}} by {{{1:my}}} by {{{1:mz}}} box. Mx, my, and mz denote the number of cells in the x, y, and z directions, respectively.  In two dimensions, {{{mz}}} = 1, reducing the box to a rectangle.  {{{Info%q}}} is cell-centered, so the values are assumed to be taken from the midpoint of the cell.  Thus, the cell-to-space conversion is:
    78 {{{
    79 x=(xlower + (REAL(i,xPrec)-half) * dx)
    80 y=(ylower + (REAL(j,xPrec)-half) * dy)
    81 z=(zlower + (REAL(k,xPrec)-half) * dz)
    82 }}}
    84 [[BR]]
    85 The {{{Info%aux}}} array is a little different.  The {{{aux}}} array holds magnetic flux values, which are face-centered.  This means that every cell-centered value in {{{Info%q}}} is bracked in each dimension by two {{{Info%aux}}} values.  To accommodate the extra values, {{{Info%aux}}} is a {{{1:mx+1}}} by {{{1:my+1}}} by {{{1:mz+1}}} box, but the {{{aux}}} dimensions are actually different for each variable:
    87 {{{
    88 Bx = Info%aux(1:mx+1, 1:my, 1:mz, 1)
    89 By = Info%aux(1:mx, 1:my+1, 1:mz, 2)
    90 Bz = Info%aux(1:mx, 1:my, 1:mz+1, 3)
    91 }}}
    93 The additional cells (the ones in the "upper-front right" corner of the {{{aux}}} array) are not used.
    95 [[BR]]
    97 ==== Units and Scaling ====
    99 Astrophysical problems involve many different physical units and constants with a wide range of scales.  To avoid the loss of precision that comes when computers try to work with, say, a 10^-8^ variable and a 10^24^ constant in the same expression, we scale our units into ''computational units'' before storing them in the data arrays.
    101 Usually, the physical scales are defined in the [PhysicsDataExplained] file--you simply enter the scales for density, temperature, velocity, etc in that file, and AstroBEAR will read them in. More complicated scaling would be defined in the {{{ProblemModuleInit()}}} routine (see above).
    103 You have two options for making sure that you only put scaled quantities in the data arrays: you can scale your input values before you enter them into your input file (and then assume that you are reading in scaled quantities), or you can use physical quantities in your input files and then scale them within your problem module:
    105 {{{
    106 scaled_qty = physical_qty / physical_scale
    107 }}}
    109 Either way, a good sanity check is to print out the physical quantities your program uses after the problem is set up.  This verifies that the values you think are going in are the values that are actually getting used.
    111 [[BR]]
    113 ==== Initializing a Grid ====
    115 Initializing a grid  involves taking a spatially-constructed problem setup and discretizing it so that it fits nicely in an array.  This process is easiest to explain by dissecting an example, such as the one below, where we are trying to initialize the grid with a density distribution given by {{{rho(x,y,z)}}}:
    117 Note that during the !ProblemGridInit routine, ghost zones do not need to be initialized (rmbc = 0) - however - during beforestep calculations they should be
    119 {{{
    120     q=>Info%q
    122     rmbc=levels(Info%level)%gmbc(levels(Info%level)%step)
    124     mx=Info%mX(1); dx=Info%dX(1); xlower=Info%Xlower(1)
    125     my=Info%mX(2); dy=Info%dX(2); ylower=Info%Xlower(2)
    126     mz=Info%mX(3); dz=Info%dX(3); zlower=Info%Xlower(3)
    128     SELECT CASE(nDim)
    129     CASE(2)
    130        zrmbc=0;mz=1;zl=0;dz=0
    131     CASE(3)
    132        zrmbc=rmbc
    133     END SELECT
    135     ! Initialize environment
    136     DO k=1-zrmbc, mz+zrmbc
    137         DO j=1-rmbc, my+rmbc
    138             DO i=1-rmbc, mx+rmbc
    140                 x=(xlower + (REAL(i,xPrec)-half) * dx)
    141                 y=(ylower + (REAL(j,xPrec)-half) * dy)
    142                 z=(zlower + (REAL(k,xPrec)-half) * dz)
    144                 q(i,j,k) = rho(x,y,z)
    145             END DO
    146         END DO
    147     END DO
    148 }}}
    150 Each grid (or {{{InfoDef}}} structure) comes with several arrays that describe its geometry:
    152  * '''''mX(3)''''':  The grid's overall size.  Each element {{{mx(n)}}} represents the number of cells along the ''n''th dimension.
    153  * '''''Xlower(3)''''':  The spatial coordinates of the grid's lower bound in each dimension.  These values are ''always'' given in computational units.
    154  * '''''dX(3)''''':  The size of a spatial step in a given dimension.  {{{dX(n)}}} can also be thought of as the size of a cell along dimension ''n''.
    156 To make this example more readable (and therefore easier to debug), we assigned the various array values more Cartesian-sounding names (ie., {{{Info%dX(2) = dy}}}).
    158 Similarly, when calculating the spatial equivalents of an index, we went with {{{x}}}, {{{y}}} and {{{z}}}.  The half-step in the position calculations represents the fact that the spatial position is at the ''center'' of the cell, not the left side.
    160 The check on the number of dimensions makes sure that 2D problem does not accidentally get initialized with ghost cells (see below) or a spatial step.  This allows us to use the same initialization code for 2D or 3D problems.
    162 The {{{levels()}}} array is a global array structures that contain information specific to each level.  You can see in this example that we reference the appropriate level by using the {{{Info%level}}} attribute.
    164 You may have noticed the nested loops don't go from {{{1}}} to {{{mX(n)}}}.  This is because the data array size is not the same as the grid size.  The size of each grid along dimension ''n'' is {{{mX(n)}}}.  The ''data arrays'', however, have a number of "ghost cells" associated with them.  The number of ghost cells on the end of a grid is given by the quantity
    166 {{{
    167 levels(Info%level)%CoarsenRatio * levels(Info%level)%gmbc
    168 }}}
    170 These ghost cells only appear along the dimensions of the problem, though, so the data arrays for a 2D problem will not have ghost cells along the third dimension.  So the real extents of the data arrays in a 3D problem are:
    172 {{{
    173 Info%q(1 - rmbc : mX(1) + rmbc, &
    174        1 - rmbc : mX(2) + rmbc, &
    175        1 - rmbc : mX(3) + rmbc, &
    176        NrVars)
    177 }}}
    179 {{{
    180 Info%aux(1 - rmbc : mX(1) + rmbc + 1, &
    181          1 - rmbc : mX(2) + rmbc + 1, &
    182          1 - rmbc : mX(3) + rmbc + 1, &
    183          NrVars)
    184 }}}
    187 [[BR]]
    188 ==== Flagging Cells for Refinement ====
    192 [[BR]]
    193 Some modules may need specific regions refined, regardless of whether or not there is any obvious error there.  AstroBEAR flags cells for refinement using the array
    195 {{{
    196 Info%ErrorFlags(1 - rmbc : mX(1) + rmbc, &
    197                 1 - rmbc : mX(2) + rmbc, &
    198                 1 - rmbc : mX(2) + rmbc, &
    199                 NrVars)
    200 }}}
    202 To clear the cell at {{{(i,j,k)}}}, simply set {{{Info%ErrorFlags(i,j,k)}}} to 0.  An error flag of 0 means that the cell does not ''need'' to be refined (although it might happen anyway).  To mark a cell for refinement, set {{{Info%ErrorFlags(i,j,k)}}} to 1.  The best place to do this is in the {{{ProblemSetErrFlags()}}} routine; most conventional physical criteria for refinement are already handled by AstroBEAR itself.
    204 [[BR]]
     208  ! Initialize the module variables
     209  SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit(Info)
     210  END SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit
     212  ! Initialize the grid
     213  SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info)
     214  END SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit
     216  ! Use for pre-processing
     217  SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
     218  END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep
     220  ! Use for post-processing
     221  SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
     222  END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
     224  ! Use for additional refinement
     225  SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
     226  END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
    206229=== Additional Physics ===