
Version 1 (modified by Jonathan, 11 years ago) ( diff )

0) Meeting Format

  1. Separating Science from Code
  2. Need "czars" in charge of different group activities

1) Science:

  1. What subjects/projects are we taking on this year
  2. What new capabilities will it require (Erica: subgrid model for feedback?)
Who Project title code devel
Erica MHD colliding flows
Erica outflow feedback subgrid model for feedback

2) Code Development

  1. AstroBEAR 3.0
  2. Lite version etc

3) New Users/Support

  1. Who do we have
  2. Who do we want
  3. How do we support them (ideas: no access to ticketing system?, provide a forum for extended users that we can occasionally browse and provide advice/helpful tips?)

4) Documentation

  1. Moving to AB 3.0 (ideas: improved documentation on bluestreak and other pages, shortened intro material, improved overall structure of wiki?, updating our emailing/google groups lists)

5) Computing Resources

  1. What do we have, what do we need

6) Storage

  1. What do we have, what do we need (Bamboo scan: device: /dev/sdc1, directory: /media/bamboodata, total: 12.4 TiB, used: 9.0 TiB (75%); device: /dev/sda2, directory: /media/ScratchDisk_, Total: 135.5 GiB, Used: 60 MiB (0%))

7) Grants

  1. what do need to go after?

8) Meetings

  1. Finding them/deciding which to attend

9) Office Space (4 free desks in 375 if Ruka/Erini no longer in group, 2 free computers — clover and the one on Ruka's old desk?)

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.