Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Meeting/012914

01/29/14 14:51:18 (11 years ago)


  • Meeting/012914

    v4 v5  
    3939        b. What new capabilities will it require (Erica: subgrid model for feedback?)
    41   ||=  Who  =||=  Project title  =||=  code devel  =||
    42   ||  Erica  ||  MHD colliding flows  ||   ||
    43   ||  Erica  ||  outflow feedback  ||  subgrid model for feedback  ||
    44   ||    ||    ||    ||
    45   ||    ||    ||    ||
    46   ||    ||    ||    ||
    47   ||    ||    ||    ||
     41  ||=  Who  =||=  Project title  =||=  Category  =||=  code devel  =||=  Collaborators  =||
     42  ||  Martin  ||  Morphologies  ||  Planetary Nebulae ||  MHD winds  ||  Bruce  ||
     43  ||  Zhuo  ||  Fall back disks  ||  Common Envelope ||  Radiation Driving  ||   ||
     44  ||  Zhuo  ||  Accretion disks in stars  ||  Common Envelope ||  Accretion BC  ||   ||
     45  ||  Zhuo  ||  Tidally Disrupted Disks  ||  Common Envelope ||  Polytrope  ||    ||
     46  ||  Erica  ||  Feedback  ||  Star Formation  ||  Large Scale Extractions / Polytropic EOS / Accretion model / Outflow Subgrid Model / Radiation Source Particles  ||  Fabian & Phil  ||
     47  ||  Shule  ||  Triggered SF  ||  Star Formation  ||  -  ||    ||
     48  ||  Erica  ||  Colliding Flows   ||  Star Formation  ||  -  ||  Fabian  ||
     49  ||  Eddie  ||  3D Jets  ||   Jets  ||  NEQ cooling verification / Improved protection / AMR boundaries / diagnostics / Jet object  ||  Pat  ||
     50  ||  Eddie  ||  ZCooling paper  ||  Radiative Shocks  ||  NEQ cooling verification  ||  Pat  ||
     51  ||  Martin  ||  AGN jets  ||   Jets  ||  Update problem module to current version of code  ||  Eric  ||
     52  ||  Martin  ||  Magnetic Tower  ||   Jets  ||  -  ||  Eric  ||
     53  ||  Eddie   ||  Mach Stem  ||   Lab Astro  ||  -  ||  Pat  ||
     54  ||  Eddie   ||  Multi-Ball  ||   Lab Astro  ||  -  ||  Pat  ||
     55  ||  Shule   ||  Magnetized Clumps  ||   Lab Astro  ||  Radiation Pressure BC  ||  Hedla folks  ||
     56  ||    ||  Hot Jupiter Atmos  ||   Planets  ||  Testing and Verification   ||  Ian  ||
    49582) Code Development
    50         a. AstroBEAR 3.0
    51         b. Lite version etc
     59* AstroBEAR 3.0
     60 * Things to do
     61  * Target date -> 8/1
     62   * Central tested 3.0 repo
     63   * Create tickets and milestone...
     64   * Assign tasks
     65   * Develop
     66   * Test
     67   * Document
     68 * Features
     69  * Legend:
     70   * 0 - little effort
     71   * 1 - some effort
     72   * 2 - significant effort
     73  * 0 - JC - Radiation
     74  * 1 - SL - Implicit Heat Conduction
     75  * 2 - EK/EH - Spherical 'geometry' (source terms etc...) and Self-gravity
     76  * 2 - SL - Subcycled explicit resitivity/viscosity
     77  * 2 - JC - Time derivs instaed of extended ghost zones
     78  * 0 - EH - ZCooling
     79  * 0 - JC - New EOS stuff - tabulated EOS?
     80  * 2 - JC/BL - Hybrid mode (openmp/mpi)
     81  * 2 - ?? - configure script that supports no extra libraries
     82  * 0 - JC/EH - New refinement algos
     83  * 0 - JC- Buffering
     84  * 1 - JC/EH/BL - Improved diagnostics and protections
     85  * 0 - SL - Krumholz merging of particles
     86  * 1 - JC - Polytropes
     87  * 0 - JC - Arbitrary Self-gravitating density profiles
     88  * 0 - !Ivan/Marvin/Dan Updates to disk object
     89  * 0 - EH - Emission routines
     90  * 0 - EH - Cylindrical Projections
     91  * 2 - EK - 2.5 D momentum conserving with self gravity
     92* possible features
     93  * 3 - Marvin - Shearing Box
     94  * 3 - Post newtonian corrections
    52963) New !Users/Support
    53         a. Who do we have
    54         b. Who do we want
    55         c. How do we support them (ideas: no access to ticketing system?, provide a forum for extended users that we can occasionally browse and provide advice/helpful tips?)
     97* What's are niche? competitive advantage?
     98 * Usability
     99 * GUI?
     100 * Good scaling
     101 * Feature rich?
     102 * Planetary atmospheres
     103* Who do we have
     104 * Mark Morris
     105 * Bruce Ballick
     106 * Pat and company
     107 * Josh (Clemson)
     108 * Michigan (Christine) ?
     109 * Christina
     110 * Ian
     111* Who do we want
     112 * LLE
     113 * Imperial College
     114 * Planetary Nebulists (Lars Hunger - Noam Soker)
     115 * Planetary Atmospherists (Zugler - Penn state,  Eric Agol)
     116 * Michigan
     117 * Non-scientists
     118 * Farrukh
     119 * RIT - Need post newtonian corrections
     120* How do we support them
     121 * access to ticketing system?
     122 * provide a forum for extended users that we can occasionally browse and provide advice/helpful tips?
     123 * mercurial server for pulling/pushing without ssh access.
    561254) Documentation
    57126        a. Moving to AB 3.0 (ideas: improved documentation on bluestreak and other pages, shortened intro material, improved overall structure of wiki?, updating our emailing/google groups lists)