Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Meeting/012914

01/29/14 12:59:46 (11 years ago)


  • Meeting/012914

    v3 v4  
    110) Meeting Format
    2         a. Separating Science from Code
    3         b.  Need "czars" in charge of different group activities
     2* Separating Science from Code?
     3 * Have a science meeting that is separate from 'code' meeting
     4 * No mention of code or 'code issue' etc... at Science meeting
     5 * Create tickets for 'problems' for code meetings and we can discuss tickets then
     6 * External users should use ticketing system as well
     9*  Need "czars" in charge of different group activities
     10 * Documentation
     11  * Make sure documentation is complete and up to date with code
     12  * Delegate documentation tasks to appropriate folks
     13 * Code development
     14  * Keeps track of ongoing development projects and coordinates integration
     15  * Tracks progress of next release etc...
     16 * !Grants/Proposals
     17  * Keep track of Teragrid proposal deadlines etc...
     18  * Keep track of Funding proposal deadlines etc...
     19  * Monitor teragrid resource usage
     20 * Scientific Meetings
     21  * Watch out for scientific meetings and application deadlines
     22 * Testing
     23  * Ensuring that regular testing is done
     24  * Coordinate with the development czar to oversee the development of new testing modules to test new development
     25 * Debugging
     26  * Monitor help tickets and assigning and overseeing the resolution of the tickets
     27 * Outreach
     28  * Anticipate and oversee new outreach projects
     29 * New Users
     30  * Keeping track of external users and their progress with the code. 
     31  * Periodically reach out to external users
     32  * Find new avenues to increase visibility of AstroBEAR within astro community
     33  * Oversee publication of materials to share at conferences etc...  (powerpoint slides, business cards?)
     34 * In-group Education
     35  * Organize various internal presentations
    4371) Science:
    538        a. What subjects/projects are we taking on this year