
Version 5 (modified by Jonathan, 8 years ago) ( diff )

Line Transfer

Astrobear currently supports 1D Line Transfer of ionizing radiation in the +x direction. To enable this you will need to use the MultiSpecies EOS, turn on Hydrogen Tracking, set iLineTransfer=1 and LineTransferFlux to whatever value you would like (in units of cm-2 s-1)

  • iEOS=1
  • lTrackHydrogen=T
  • iLineTransfer = 1
  • LineTransferFlux=2e13

This will turn on photo-ionization of hydrogen, ionization heating, recombination, recombination cooling, and Lyman alpha cooling.

Photo Ionization

Photoionization of neutral hydrogen is given by



is the value set in for LineTransferFlux and

Photo Ionization Heating



The recombination rate is


Recombination Cooling

Recombination cooling is given by


Lyman alpha cooling

Lyman alpha cooling is given by


Time Stepping

Currently this only works in fixed grid so MaxLevel needs to be set to 0 in

The linetransfer step happens after the hydro update and it sub-cycles as many times as necessary to prevent the number densities of neutral or ionized hydrogen as well as the internal energy from changing by more than 10%. It currently does not constrain the hydro time step.

Also note that normally lTrackHydrogen = True enables a separate module that does collisional ionization and recombination (and there associated cooling), but those are turned off if iLineTransfer=True

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