
Version 2 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )


Image Objects

Image Objects can be used to create ppm image files given a data set, a scaling, and a colormap. They are currently only used by projection objects to turn projections into images.

  • Most of the image objects parameters are self-explanatory
     REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: minvalue=MINOVERALL   !data value corresponding to lowest color value
     REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: maxvalue=MAXOVERALL   !data value corresponding to highest color value
     INTEGER :: Scaling=LINEARSCALE            !Linear or Log scaling?
     INTEGER, DIMENSION(MaxCMapPoints,3) :: cmap=reshape((/&    !Color map as an array of (rgb) values
         0,  0,  0, &
         0,  0, 255, &
         0,  255, 255, &
         0, 255, 0, &
         255, 255, 0, &
         255, 0, 0, &
         0, 0, 0, &
         0, 0, 0,&
         0, 0, 0,&
         0, 0, 0/), (/MaxCMapPoints,3/),(/0/), (/2,1/))
     INTEGER :: npoints=6 !number of points in colormap
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