
Version 9 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

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PURE_SUBROUTINE_EOS_vars (q,nvec,T,me,gamma,gammais,eth,emicro,ke)

Defined in


  • q
  • Intent(Out), Optional:
    • nvec,T,me,gamma,gammais,eth,emicro,ke


  • Returns number density vector for the species being tracked, as well as the mu value and gamma value, based on the species and their number densities
  • Read code comments for description of gamma, gammais, eth, emicro


  • For the species that are being tracked, their number densities are calculated and stored in nvecin (and then in nvec, if it is PRESENT)
  • Most of arguments are optional. Pretty much if any of them are present, then get_mu and get_gamma are called and values are stored in muin and gammain respectively.
  • muin and gammain are used for T calculation (if T present), so are needed even if mu & gamma are not PRESENT
    • when get_mu is invoked by muin, it in turn calls nparticle which returns the total number density of particles (including electrons)
  • ke is the kinetic energy, ke = 0.5*(p DOT p) / rho
  • eth is thermal energy, = internal energy, q(iE), - ke
  • emicro = eth
  • T = EOSConstants*mu*(gamma - 1)*eth/rho, where EOSConstants = TempScale

Called in

Functions Used

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