
Version 8 (modified by Brandon Shroyer, 14 years ago) ( diff )

Debug Meeting Page

Weekly Reports

Here are weekly reports of ticket activity/inactivity

This week Ticket Activity Open Tickets not addressed*
05/12/11 - 05/19/11 Ticket Activity Open Tickets not addressed*
05/05/11 - 05/12/11 Ticket Activity Open Tickets not addressed*

*Only lists defects or help requests of normal, high, or critical priority


Priority levels:

  1. Major AstroBEAR bug that stalls multiple projects.
  1. Major AstroBEAR bug that stalls one project. Minor AstroBEAR bug that severely hinders multiple projects and has no workaround.
  1. Minor AstroBEAR bug hindering or inconveniencing one or more projects, for which a workaround exists.
  1. Module bug that hinders or stalls one or more projects.

Tickets at a glance

"help_request", height=600, width=600, title = Open defects / help requests by priority ) "help_request", height=600, width=600, title = Open defects / help requests by reporter ) "help_request",priority="normal (Priority 3)"|"high (Priority 2)"|"critical (Priority 1)", height=600, width=600, title = Open defects / help requests by owner (includes normal, high, and critical priority)) TicketChart(type = pie, factor = type, query=status=!"closed", height=600, width=600, title = Open tickets by type)

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.