
Version 5 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

FUNCTION CoolingRate(REAL Temp, REAL slope)

Defined In:



REAL Temp. The temperature of the cell, used to determine the cooling rate.

REAL Slope. An INTENT(OUT) variable that returns the slope of the cooling curve.


The function returns a real, unscaled value derived from the Dalgarno-McCray cooling curve.


Takes an unscaled temperature value and interpolates a value from the cooling curve described in Dalgarno & McCray 1972. If Temp exceeds the MinTemp value read in from, then the slope input parameter is passed back out with the value of the cooling curve's slope at temperature Temp. Otherwise, CoolingRate() returns 0.

Called In:

ODEs :: DMCool()

ODEs :: DMCoolJac()

Modules Used:

No modules are delcared locally, but the COOL module will be required in order to set up the CoolingTab table.

Files Included:


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