Version 2 (modified by 12 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Cooling Objects
A source term that in general applies everywhere, but may be applied only in certain regions:
If you wish to use this object, you must have iCooling as a variable in your &ProblemData namelist (and declare it as an integer), and, in addition, add the following to your problem.f90 file in ProblemModuleInit:
IF(iCooling>0) THEN IF (.NOT. lRestart) THEN ! see sources/cooling.f90::CreateCoolingObject for ! default values of a cooling source term CALL CreateCoolingObject(coolingobj) ELSE coolingobj => firstcoolingobj END IF END IF coolingobj%iCooling=iCooling SELECT CASE(iCooling) ! cases defined in sources/cooling.f90 CASE(NoCool) ! 0 CASE(AnalyticCool) ! 1 coolingobj%alpha=alpha coolingobj%beta=beta CASE(DMCool) ! 2 CASE(IICool) ! 3 CASE DEFAULT END SELECT coolingobj%floortemp=0.001 ! Floortemp shuts off cooling lower than this number coolingobj%mintemp=0.001 ! Mintemp protects against temperatures lower ! than this number (always resets to this temperature)
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