Version 33 (modified by 12 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Compiling AstroBEAR and its Dependencies on the Rice RTC cluster
NOTE: The information on this page was last updated in August, 2007. I am fairly certain that their systems have changed since then. This page needs the attention of someone who knows what's going on. --KYAs of revision 175, AstroBEAR links to the hdf4, hdf5, and pgplot libraries. These must be compiled using the same compiler used for compiling AstroBEAR. An installation of hdf5 does exist in /opt/apps on rtc, but it is not fortran enabled, and there are no installations of hdf4 or pgplot. We could ask tech support to install what we need in /opt/apps, but alternatively one may install these libraries locally as described below.
Module Loading
To use the intel compiler and myrinet, execute the following module commands (you may want to add these to your .bashrc file):
module load intel/9.1
module load mpich-gm
Installing the Libraries
create a local directory:
mkdir local
obtain the following gzipped tar archives and place them in /users/[home dir]/local:
hdf5: hdf-1.6.5.tar.gz
hdf4: HDF4.2r1.tar.gz
pgplot: pgplot5.2.tar.gz
move to local directory and extract the archives:
tar xzvf [archivename].tar.gz
Create installation directories for the hdf4 and hdf5 libraries:
mkdir hdf4 hdf5
install hdf5:
mkdir hdf5
Make your current directory the hdf5 source directory:
cd ~/local/hdf5-1.6.5
Run the configure script with prefix set to the hdf5 installation directory and enabling fortran:
./configure -prefix=/users/[home dir]/local/hdf5 -enable-fortran
To ensure that compiler variables are assigned properly define the following enviroment variables:
export FC=ifort
export F77=ifort
export F9X=ifort
export CXX=icpc
export CXXCPP="icpc -E"
export CC=icc
export CPP="icc -E"
run make install
make install
If you like you may now discard the source directory:
cd ~/local
rm -rf hdf5-1.6.5
install pgplot
Make your current directory the pgplot installation directory:
cd ~/local/pgplot
Open the file "drivers.list" in an editor and uncomment the entries for the drivers PS, VPS, CPS, and VCPS
Run the "makemake" script as follows:
./makemake /users/[home dir]/local/pgplot linux g77_gcc
Open the resulting makefile in an editor and make the following changes to the variables "FCOMPL" and "CCOMPL":
Define the environment variable PGPLOT_DIR as follows:
export PGPLOT_DIR=/users/[home dir]/local/pgplot
run make
Modifying in the bearclaw directory
If you haven't already done so unpack a bearclaw archive into your home directory:
tar xzvf bearclaw.tar.gz
to the bearclaw directory and edit as follows:
Copy to
Open in an editor and edit it as follows:
Under "Intel Fortran Compiler" redefine LINKER as follows:
Under "Intel Optimization" redefine FFLAGS as follows:
FFLAGS = -O3 -tpp2 -fpp
Alter the path names in the definition of "HDFLIBS" to include the following paths (NOTE: do NOT alter the "-l" options)
-L/users/[home dir]/local/hdf4/lib
-L/users/[home dir]/local/hdf5/lib
-L/users/[home dir]/local/pgplot
Next, set HDFINC to:
-I/users/[home dir]/local/hdf4/include \
-I/users/[home dir]/local/hdf5/lib
Compile AstroBEAR
It should now be possible to compile AstroBEAR without incident:
cd ~/bearclaw/contrib/astro
make xbear
make mpibear