
Version 9 (modified by Jonathan, 14 years ago) ( diff )

Colliding Flows

This problem involves colliding two ellipsoidal cylinders essentially head on where the separation between the left and right flows is an arbitrary interface defined by a normal and a series of sine waves.

Run Parameters

These runs were all performed on a cube of length 44 pc

Run Density Velocity Temperature Resolution Angle Run Time Sink Particles
A 1 21 5014 64 10 10.7 Myr 0
B 1 2.1 5014 64 10 100.7 Myr 0
C 10 21 160.6 64 10 10.7 Myr 1
D 10 2.1 160.6 64 10 100.7 Myr 1
E 20 21 100 64 10 10.7 Myr 1
F 4 21 471.9 64 10 10.7 Myr 0

Computational scales follow from a length scale of 1 pc, a Temperature scale of 1 K, and a Density scale of 1 part/cc

TIMESCALE 339631473950335
LSCALE 3.085680300000000E+018
RSCALE 1.672621580000000E-024
VELSCALE 9085.37793659026
PSCALE 1.380650300000000E-016
NSCALE 1.00000000000000
BSCALE 3.314644173409178E-009
TEMPSCALE 1.00000000000000
SCALEGRAV 1.287482066849589E-002


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All of these runs had poorly resolved cooling lengths (fractions of a cell). The fastest growing modes were therefore at the nyquist frequency. This is however much larger than the cooling length of the shocked layer. I suspect that at higher resolutions the size of the condensations from the TI will much smaller and more prone to evaporation (or clump destruction) in the turbulent background flow…

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