Changes between Version 64 and Version 65 of BuildingAstroBear

10/21/14 10:24:22 (10 years ago)
Baowei Liu


  • BuildingAstroBear

    v64 v65  
    77  === Required Packages ===
    8 * ''[CompilerInstallation Compilers]'':  AstroBEAR is written in [ Fortran 95] with C preprocessor tags.  Development efforts use [ Intel compilers] (version 9.0 and above), and we can't guarantee other compilers will work. Other packages' installation instructions assume you are using the version 9.0 Intel compilers.
     8AstroBEAR is written in [ Fortran 95] with C preprocessor tags.  Development efforts use [ Intel compilers] (version 9.0 and above), and we can't guarantee other compilers will work. Other packages' installation instructions assume you are using the version 9.0 Intel compilers.
    1010* ''[MpiInstallation MPI Support]'':  MPI (Message Passing Interface) support is required for parallelization. Current AstroBEAR builds use [ OpenMPI].
    12 * ''[ HDF5]:''AstroBEAR writes its output to HDF5 files using an augmented version of the [ Chombo] format.  The current version of AstroBEAR requires HDF5 version 1.8.5, patch 1 or better.
    14 * ''[ hypre]:'' Elliptic and parabolic processes such as gravity and diffusion are handled by the hypre library of linear PDE solvers.  AstroBEAR was developed using version 2.4.0, but it is possible that any revision from 2.0.0 on will work.
     12* ''[ HDF5]:''AstroBEAR writes its output to HDF5 files using an augmented version of the [ Chombo] format.  The current version of AstroBEAR requires HDF5 version 1.8.5, patch 1 or better. And make sure you build hdf5 library with flag --enable-fortran
     14* ''[ hypre]:'' Elliptic and parabolic processes such as gravity and diffusion are handled by the hypre library of linear PDE solvers.  AstroBEAR was developed using version 2.4.0, but it is possible that any revision from 2.0.0 on will work. When building hypre make sure you use  flag --enable-global-partition to get better performance.
     16* "[ fftw3]:" A library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions. Any version newer than 3.0 should work with the current AstroBEAR code.
    1618  === Loading Modules ===