
Version 5 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )


We want to explore what it will require to get a copy of AstroBEAR to compile and run on a BG/P system. The two issues are that 1) the machine architecture is not the same (e.g., they're 32-bit not 64-bit), and 2) the compiler versions are not (at present) the same.

We may find that the only way to maintain a stable, but viable, code base will be to split the SVN repository and pepper the code with # if BLUEGENE C preprocessor directives.

This page is intended to be a starting point for this discussion.

KY NOTE: As of 4/9/10, it looks like the code can be brought back to bluehive successfully. I would like to do more testing just to be sure, but I think I've seen it compile, run parallel, and restart OK.

Notes on code changes required for compiling and running on BG/P (SVN revision 510)

  • Anything that uses LOC() to identify the start and end of it in memory requires declaration as a SEQUENCE.
  • The compiler is very picky about the difference between ==/.eq. and .eqv.. .EQV. is for logicals, .EQ. for numerals.
  • It doesn't want the pointer addresses to be declared on their own, only in the POINTER (pAddr,buf) declaration.
    • This might not be true. Seemed to be fixed after changing INT_PTR_KIND to 32-bit version.
  • It doesn't like commas in read statements like READ(60),. The same goes for write statements.
  • Doesn't know about ISNAN, replace with x .ne x or create a new PURE ELEMENTAL FUNCTION ISNAN(x) in globaldeclarations.f90.
  • netlib.f requires explicit compilation with F77 compiler, a change to the makefile.
  • Doesn't want qPrec to be redefined in cool.f90.
  • Complains about using NOT() where .NOT.() should be.
  • Picky about KINDs being the same for all arguments to MAX().
  • In OPEN statements, position replaces access.
  • Is less forgiving when declaring a (3,2) array; does not allow e.g. X = (/ 1,2,3,4,5,6 /), but requires X = RESHAPE( (/ 1,2,3,4,5,6 /), (/ 3,2 /) )
  • Doesn't like iEntries = (/ 0:6 /), workaround is iEntries = (/ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 /).
  • Still doesn't like something in FixupParent. (See below)
  • Requires COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT in place of IARGC.
  • Wants the C calls in hypreBEAR to have "_" appended.
    • Fixed by adding -qextname in the compilation instructions for hypreBEAR.f90 in Makefile.
  • Doesn't like scalars that are part of integer arrays to be passed as the dimension argument to SUM.
    • Fixed by changing SUM(q(:,:,:,:,:),dir(i)) to SUM(q(:,:,:,:,:), DIM=dir(i))
  • Picky about NAMELISTS being declared after execution statments. Just need to declare NAMELISTS in the specification part of subroutines/modules


The BG/P compiler had trouble for some reason with the following FORALL statement, and the other like it in InfoFieldUtils.f90::FixUpParent,

        Parent%fixupflux4(as,ix,iy,iz,edge,1:nq) = &
        Parent%fixupflux4(as,ix,iy,iz,edge,1:nq) * &

The workaround was to deshinify this back into nested DO loops.

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